
Saturday, July 25, 2009

18 months

It is hard to believe it has been 18 months since Payton was born. It is amazing to me to see the changes she has gone through. She is now little miss independent she wants to do everything herself, she loves to help and understands so much. I can ask her if she wants something and she will shake her head yes or no some times she says it too. She talks - tonight she was pointing to a picture and saying dad and mom - it was cute. She is a little mother to Daniel - wiping his drool or showing him how to do something. She is kind and loving but she can also be sneaky and get into things she shouldn't. Payton loves playing in the water, animals, ice cream or anything chocolate and most of all us. She is amazing little girl and we love her so much. Happy half birthday day Payton!
Tonight we celebrated with ice cream she picked out. She finally got to have her own Ice cream and not have to share with mom or dad and she LOVED it. 1 year ago she had her first sold food and now she is eating so many different things!


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