
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A splashy 4th

The fourth of July was spent splashing in fountains at U-village. It was the perfect day for playing in the fountains and getting all wet. We met Grandma and Grandpa Verver , Teri and Frank and Rosie at the fountain near Jcrew.Then we walked to the big Starbucks to get something to drink before heading to the frog fountains - Payton loved these! They squirt water from their mouths of course she got squirted in the face a few times but she didn't cry. She just kept playing until she was soaking wet!I am sure it felt good in the heat - it felt nice to hold her. Payton, Grandma and I went to H&M to look for Sundresses while everyone else ate a yummy cupcake from Trophy Cupcakes ( we save ours for later) Then it was back to the Verver's for a BBQ.We ate lots of yummy food - Payton loved her hotdog and corn on the cob. After she was done Payton got to play a little more and ended up on the piano with Grandma. It was so cute and she had fun "playing" the piano. It was a great day - we headed home and put Payton to bed to the sound of fireworks all around our house. I don't know how she slept through them but she did. It was the power going off and on that woke her up!


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