
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Baking up some fun!


Payton and I made Sugar cookies about a week and a half ago. I brought the coffee table that she uses for puzzles and coloring over so she could help me cut out the cookies. She helped me roll out the dough and press the cookie cutters in the dough- she even did a few herself. Most of the time she tried to scrape the cookie cutters instead of press and she ended up just sticking blobs of dough on the cookie sheets. The second half I let her put sprinkles on them. She had fun shaking the sprinkles and smooshing them one to one cookie. She did a great job and it was fun to carry on the tradition of baking cookies like I did with my mom.

Yesterday we baked Chocolate pixies one of my favorites. We cleaned off her table again and brought it in the kitchen. I put the cookie dough, cookie sheet and powdered sugar and we were set. I rolled the dough into balls and Payton rolled or shook the dough in the powdered sugar and Grandma Tucker put the cookies in the oven. It was fun baking with Payton and my mom - Payton does a great job helping and even putting the dough on the cookie sheets. She loves to look in the oven to see if the are ready. She had a great time making cookies and even eating a little cookie dough!

Christmas Fun

This Christmas was a lot of fun - Payton had fun opening her presents but everyone elses as well. She is now a pro at opening presents. Our fun began on Christmas Eve morning going to get Top Pot doughnuts. Payton loved looking in the case at all the donuts! Later we got ready for the Christmas Eve Service. It was fun and Payton danced to the music with another girl. Afterward we went up to see the model trains - Payton and grandpa were in heaven. After we got home we changed into some more comfortable, warmer clothes and went to Snowflake Lane. Payton loved the snowman, the drumming - everything! She had a lot of fun - I love seeing Christmas through her eyes -so new and exciting!

Christmas morning we open presents together before Grandma and Grandpa Tucker came over to open more presents. She had fun playing with some of her new toys. Then in the afternoon we all headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Ververs for some yummy ham dinner and more presents. Before we left we went to Candy cane lane and took our annual picture _ Payton loved the lights.

The day after we went to down town Seattle to ride the Wonderland carousel - it was a big hit. Payton squealed with joy and had huge smile the whole ride. She didn’t want to leave her purple horse. Then we walked down to the Fairmont Hotel to see the Teddy Bear suite- it was fun and Payton loved climbing on the big teddy bears. The hotel was beautiful all decorated with lights and Christmas trees. We had a great Christmas and nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa Tucker. We hope everyone had a great Christmas too!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

And the gift goes on

The holiday season is here , a time to think of others and to remember the birth of Our Savior. I have been thinking a lot about gifts what to get people, sometimes I feel that the best gift is the gift of giving back. I feel like I have been so blessed even when it feel like things are getting tight, God always provides for us. I always have a hard time thinking of what I really need - yes there are things I want but I don't necessarily need them. There are so many kids who won't get any Christmas presents. There are kids that live in other countries who's parents cannot take care of them and it breaks my heart. So why not give to an organization to help these kids, buy presents for kids that would otherwise not have any. Adopt a family and help them out. Giving back doesn't have to cost money you can volunteer at a shelter or somewhere else. You can sponsor a child or give to Samaratians purse to give Bibles or food.

I want show Payton that it is not just about getting but about giving - Jesus gave us his son - he did not say I will give you my son if you give me this and that. Giving should be what it is about , caring for other, loving those who need it and bring joy to their lives. So this holiday season think about a way to give to those who need it most and show them there is someone who cares.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pumpkin Farm and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Tucker

The beginning of October brought a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Tucker. Payton had fun playing blocks, showing off her pumpkin and taking walks. The pumpkin farm was fun since we grew a pumpkin here and Payton was excited to see other pumpkins.We walked through the fields of pumpkins - Grandpa helped Payton not to trip on the vines. We finally picked a few pumpkins and paid from them. Then Grandpa put them in the car before we walked around the farm and went to the petting zoo. Payton loved all the animals - ducks, rabbits,kittens, cows, sheep,pigs and more. Later we went for a nice little walk around our neighborhood and we took pictures out front with our pumpkins.Payton enjoyed her time with Grandma and Grandpa Tucker ,She can't wait to see them again.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I love fall and the beautiful leaves that change. It is fun to see Payton love to walk through the fallen leaves and crunch them or to see her pick up leaves , like they are her treasure. It is a time for change when we spend more time inside and less time outside. The long pants, sweaters and boots come out and the tank tops,shorts and sandals go away until the spring.For us this fall meant Kevin having arthroscopic hip surgery, his 30th birthday, me starting my masters and the first Halloween Payton could go out.We also cut Paytons pumpkin off the vine - it is finally orange. I have included some pictures of what we have been doing this fall.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Payton's garden

We planted a garden last year and it didn't do very well between the slugs and other bugs the plants didn't make it. This year I was ready for the slugs even though the did kill a few plants - we are looking much better this year. We had a nice crop of peas and now we have a few butternut squash and a few pumpkins growing. One pumpkin is the pride and joy of Payton's heart we check on it daily and sneak peeks under the leaf excited each time like it is the first and says,See it?! See it?! She had to show daddy when he got home the first day. She like to show the cats from the windows too. She has also found a new passion of digging in the dirt with mommies trowel.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pajama days

Payton has not been feeling well this week and had wanted to stay in her pajamas. Monday it was a struggle to get them off - every time I tried she would pull them back on and cry. I finally got them off and she wasn't happy. I have let her stay in her pajamas as long as she wants since then, since I know it will pass and if it makes it feel better then it makes things easier for me - and there will be less laundry to do. She likes to snuggle up on the couch in her pajamas with her blanket and a toy usually a stuff animal. She spent Sunday in her pajamas and I made her chocolate donuts. It is good to have a pajama day every once in a while and snuggle up on the couch to watch a good movie or read a good book.

We can make a difference.

I have been reading this blog by Katie Davis a young woman who is working Africa - her story is amazing and has touched me. I want to do something and at first I wondered how.I e-mailed friends and posted her blog everywhere just to spread the word and figured that if people felt moved to do something big or small it would help. They could just pray or send there friends the blog. When I went to the blog today to check if there was anything new I noticed a list of things they need - Like God was saying this is how you can help ! So I have decided to collect these things on the list and send a box of what ever I can - it may be a small box or maybe a big box whatever I know I did what I could.So if you would like to donate something I will be collecting things for a while - not sure how long - I guess we will see how it goes.

Monday, August 31, 2009

September is almost here the summer has gone by so fast . I know that summer isn't over yet we will still have some nice weather but the weather will start to change, kids go back to school and once again things start up again.
When I was a kid this time of year meant back to the early mornings, school and some anxiety about being in a new class and having to leave the comforts of home. I looked forward to seeing friends and getting new school clothes and supplies but there was always that dread of going back to school - no more sleep overs during the week or going swimming all day.
Now that I am older it is a time for things to start up the normal schedule and this year something new - I will start my masters classes. I am excited about all the new things I will learn through these classes. I know there will be times that stress will replace the excitement and that is ok. It is also a time that things cool down and I can wear my comfy pajamas and snuggle up to watch TV with Kevin or read a good book. It means that we will be going to the Pumpkin farm soon and we will take Payton around to trick or treat for the first time.
As a teacher this time of year is exciting - getting ready for a new class, meeting them and seeing what kind of class they are - there are field trips and birthdays and holidays to celebrate. It is fun and exciting.
It is a time to be renewed by God and to remember that I can't do anything with out his help. I know school with tough at time and that the house work won't all get done but with God's help I can get done what I need to - I will get through it,I will come out on top .

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fun at the Beach

Recently we took Payton back to Alki Beach. We took her last year around the same time when she was about 7 months old she loved stepping in the sand but that was about it.
This year she played in the sand - pouring the sand on the towel instead of in the pail. She saw lots of airplanes - one of her favorite things to look for even when it is cloudy. We were lucky that the weather was nice so she could see them and the ferry boats too. I took her down to the water - at first we stood and watched the waves then we stepped into the cold Pacific. She thought it was great - I think she would have gone swimming if I let her. Then we took a walk - Payton decided she needed her sunglasses - it was very cute. She normally doesn't leave them on for long since it is more fun to take them off and put them back on ( usually they end up on her neck - there is a picture of this on her latest slideshow) Daddy pushed the stroller and we walked along the water front. We saw a seagull, some dogs and some people. Payton had a fun time and we will definitely have to go back soon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Seahawks training camp

Yesterday we went to watch the Seahawks training camp. It was fun and we had a great view of it all. Payton was more interested in the other people around us or the ceiling fans in the weight room behind us. I think one of the highlights of the whole thing is when Payton saw the hawk - I think she realized it was real and she went over to it - the man asked if she wanted to pet it so I held her up and she gently pet the hawk. She thought it was so cool. Later we got to go get autographs which was fun and I think she will appreciate them later when she is older. She did great with little sleep the night before - waking up at 5 and then not getting a nap until 12 plus she had a cold. She had fun running around and watching other kids playing. One of my favorite moments was when Lofa Tatupu was running out of the building a guy near us yelled LOFA! and Payton copied him and said LOFA! It was funny and everyone around us laughed and said that's right! It was a great day filled with many fun memories. We can't wait for the football season to start so we can cheer on the Seahawks. Soon Payton will get to go to her 2nd game - we hope they have a great season- Go Seahawks!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Something I have been learning is to remember that God's plan is perfect - now sometimes I might disagree and say that my plan is better but it's not. I have to remember to look to Him and what He wants me to be doing not what I want. I also have to remember that my choices effect others mostly Payton and Kevin. I know that if I am still and listen for His voice he will lead me where he wants me to go. It is amazing how His plan includes all the things I want just in a different way or at a different time.
Right now I am waiting to hear if I got into grad school, if it is what God wants then it will happen and the finances will work out. I had applied 2 years ago but crummy financial aid and getting pregnant it just ended up not working out. God will close the doors he needs to show me what I should be doing - sometimes I am sure he has had to slam a few to wake me up. One thing that I know for sure - He will guide me no matter what it takes or what he has to do.He will be there to lead me back the the path I often stray from. It says so in the Bible - Jeremiah 29:11-14 was in my Bible study this past week - it says 11 " For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you
So I ask you, are you doing what God wants or what you want? Are you the person He wants you do be ? It is hard and we can easily stray lead by jealousy, greed or many other things. We think we can do a better job and really we can't Because His plan and only His is perfect - all others pail in comparison.Think about how great things will be when you follow what he wants. I always love that feeling of not having to worry and just knowing he is in control - it will be ok no matter what I am facing. When I put my trust in Him and let Him lead me amazing things happen and everything I was worrying or stress about falls into place. God Is so GOOD! This song is a good reminder of that.

You Are Good - Nichole Nordeman ( Sing Over Me)

When the sun starts to rise and I open my eyes
You are good, so good
In the heat of the day with each stone that I lay
You are good, so good

With every breath I take in
I'll tell You I'm grateful again
When the moon rises high before each kiss goodnight
You are good

When the road starts to turn around each bend I've learned
You are good, so good
And when somebody's hand holds me up, helps me stand
You are so good

With every breath I take in
I'll tell You I'm grateful again
'Cause it's more than enough just to know I am loved
And you are good

So how can I thank You
And what can I bring
What can a poor man lay at the feet of a king
So I'll sing you a love song
It's all that I have
To tell You I'm grateful
For holding my life in Your hands

When it's dark and it's cold and I can't feel my soul
You are still good
When the world has gone gray and the rain's here to stay
You are still good

With every breath I take in
I'll tell you I'm grateful again
And the storm may swell even then it is well
You are good

So how can I thank You
And what can I bring
What can a poor man lay at the feet of a king
So I'll sing you a love song
It's all that I have
To tell You I'm grateful
For holding my life in Your hands

18 months

It is hard to believe it has been 18 months since Payton was born. It is amazing to me to see the changes she has gone through. She is now little miss independent she wants to do everything herself, she loves to help and understands so much. I can ask her if she wants something and she will shake her head yes or no some times she says it too. She talks - tonight she was pointing to a picture and saying dad and mom - it was cute. She is a little mother to Daniel - wiping his drool or showing him how to do something. She is kind and loving but she can also be sneaky and get into things she shouldn't. Payton loves playing in the water, animals, ice cream or anything chocolate and most of all us. She is amazing little girl and we love her so much. Happy half birthday day Payton!
Tonight we celebrated with ice cream she picked out. She finally got to have her own Ice cream and not have to share with mom or dad and she LOVED it. 1 year ago she had her first sold food and now she is eating so many different things!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family Photos

We had an amazing photographer take some family photographs and some of just Payton at the UW campus. It was a nice sunny day and we had fun walking around the campus. She had a lot of great locations for the pictures . Payton loved chasing the squirrels and being in the tree. She didn't even want to get out of the tree, I had to bribe her with Cheerios. She sat down and ate those for a few minutes and went right back to the tree! She had fun running around the campus and she did great. This weekend we got the pictures back and I thought I would share some with you. If you need a photographer for family pictures or just pictures of your kids Christy is great

Just some cute things

I wanted to write about some cute things she has done the past few weeks. I thought I would put them together since it seemed silly to do separate ones.

The other day we were eating and I was reading the UPC bulletin and asked Payton if she wanted to go to France - she shook her head no - it was funny then Kevin said good neither do I.

I had some flip flops on the floor and Payton decided she wanted to wear them so first she just had one she was trying to get on and then she tried two - she thought it was fun.

She loves splashing in the water and one night Kevin and I were splashing her in the tub and when we stop she would bring our hands back in for more - or she took our hands and say "up" and push them down and say "down".

Payton and I were hanging out up stairs Sunday so Kevin could work on some training - I needed to put some laundry in the dryer so we went to the laundry room - also where the cats stuff is and while I was putting the laundry in the dryer she was grabbing handfuls of cat food from the bag and putting it in their bowls. It was so sweet of course after that she had to splash in their water but hey at least she didn't eat the cat food.

A splashy 4th

The fourth of July was spent splashing in fountains at U-village. It was the perfect day for playing in the fountains and getting all wet. We met Grandma and Grandpa Verver , Teri and Frank and Rosie at the fountain near Jcrew.Then we walked to the big Starbucks to get something to drink before heading to the frog fountains - Payton loved these! They squirt water from their mouths of course she got squirted in the face a few times but she didn't cry. She just kept playing until she was soaking wet!I am sure it felt good in the heat - it felt nice to hold her. Payton, Grandma and I went to H&M to look for Sundresses while everyone else ate a yummy cupcake from Trophy Cupcakes ( we save ours for later) Then it was back to the Verver's for a BBQ.We ate lots of yummy food - Payton loved her hotdog and corn on the cob. After she was done Payton got to play a little more and ended up on the piano with Grandma. It was so cute and she had fun "playing" the piano. It was a great day - we headed home and put Payton to bed to the sound of fireworks all around our house. I don't know how she slept through them but she did. It was the power going off and on that woke her up!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun In the Sun

Sunday we took Payton to the pool at the hotel my parent were staying at for her first swimming experience. I wasn't sure if she would like it or not but I thought we had a chance to go to a pool and the weather was perfect so why not. We got in and she started splashing and laughing she was a natural in the water.We jumped and I bobbed her up and down- she had so much fun. She sat on the steps and tried to jump to me , she kicked and splashed - she loved it!! She even tried to go back in after we got out. I am glad she loves the water and with this warm weather we are having she will be able to swim a lot.

The family I work for lives close to Greenlake and the wading pool. We went for the first time Wednesday and she just had so much fun splashing, playing with the balls and other kids. Daniel did ok with the water but after a little girl knocked him over he was done. It is funny how some kids love the water and can spend hours playing and other just don't care for it at all. He had fun watching and throwing balls in and I would retrieve them.We spent 2 1/2 hours playing and watching the other kids play I know they were both tired when we got back. We plan on going as much as we can since we know it will only be here a short time.

She has been fully enjoying the warm weather as she should because before we know it the cool weather will be back.



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