
Saturday, September 29, 2012

moon walk

This past week we have gone on many walks to see the moon before the kids go to bed. It has been so fun to get in some snuggly warm pajamas and talk a little walk and see the beautiful moon. Payton is so excited she takes a quick bath and gets ready to go. She has been a big helper pushing her brother and last night we talked daddy into coming with us so she got to ride instead of walk.  Logan loves to find the moon and point it out to us. Payton loves to watch it change to a full moon. They have also enjoyed seeing airplanes and helicopters at night with the flashing lights. I like the fresh air and the quiet, it is so nice to be together and not have any noisy distractions and the beauty that God created for us to enjoy.20120927-09020120925-00320120925-00620120925-01220120925-01320120927-098
Next moon walk will be tonight if it is clear and this time we are taking the wagon.


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