
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kids helping change the world

This summer we were part of the Ben Towne Foundation Coin Drive. We collected coins in different ways , some we found on the ground but most were given to us from grandparents and we contributed a little. We were all excited to bring their boxes and see how much they had collected, so we loaded up and headed to the University Village QFC to be part of the big event. 20120923-08020120923-083We lined up behind the other families but the machine wasn’t working so we waited and talked to Jeff  Towne and his parents and then were told it was jammed. 20120923-085We drove back to a QFC near us and deposited our money. Payton was a big helper and it was easy to see how they can get jammed. Payton collected 40.88 and Logan Collected 37.20  all together 78.08 which is great! We are excited to see what the total of this campaign will be and how much it will help find a cure.20120923-01120120923-01420120923-01720120923-01920120923-021
We are so proud to be a part of this and that Payton and Logan were such big helpers and gladly gave up their coins to help other kids.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

moon walk

This past week we have gone on many walks to see the moon before the kids go to bed. It has been so fun to get in some snuggly warm pajamas and talk a little walk and see the beautiful moon. Payton is so excited she takes a quick bath and gets ready to go. She has been a big helper pushing her brother and last night we talked daddy into coming with us so she got to ride instead of walk.  Logan loves to find the moon and point it out to us. Payton loves to watch it change to a full moon. They have also enjoyed seeing airplanes and helicopters at night with the flashing lights. I like the fresh air and the quiet, it is so nice to be together and not have any noisy distractions and the beauty that God created for us to enjoy.20120927-09020120925-00320120925-00620120925-01220120925-01320120927-098
Next moon walk will be tonight if it is clear and this time we are taking the wagon.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My little Monkey

This girl loves to swing and hang on the branches of the tree just like a monkey she tells me.  She really wanted to sit in the tree but there wasn't a branch that was big enough or strong enough for her to sit on.
She was having so much fun swinging on the tree tonight while her brother peeled the tree( you can see the all the work he did on the ground.  Fun times outside while the weather is still nice. 20120925-01020120925-018

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Half way to 2

20120915-055Today my sweet boy is 18 months old, he is growing up and doing so much by himself these days. He loves to copy every thing his big sister does and he is learning so much everyday. He loves to climb and be outside.  He is talking more everyday one his favorite things to say is SEA HAWKS and it is pretty cute. He also talks about about grampa and checks out the window to see if he is here. I love his personality and sweet smile. He is my snuggly boy who loves his mama. 20120915-08120120918-09920120918-11220120922-070
Happy 18 months Logan! Half way to two years – We love you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A day at the beach

Last  weekend we took the Edmond/Kingston ferry for our yearly ferry boat adventure. I love that while we wait for the ferry boat the kids can play on the beach and when we get to Kingston they have another beach to play on.
20120908-38520120908-390Payton had a great time walking around on the ferry boat and exploring the different areas with Grandma Verver. Logan enjoyed watching out the window.20120908-399

They both had fun running on the beach and collecting shells. Logan kept trying to go into the water, it was like gravity kept pulling him over to the edge.20120908-47920120908-51120120908-514After the beach we were hungry so we went in search of some good food and of course Ice cream.  I love the look on Logan’s face, so cute!20120908-518Sweet picture of them together, such great buddies. They are always laughing and playing together.20120908-54620120908-594Logan loves his grandpa! Look at that happy face! He is always going around the house saying grampa. We had a great time and the kids were exhausted. What a fun way to spend the morning.20120908-596

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Day of School

Wednesday our sweet Payton started Preschool and she loves it. Her first day on her own she did great and I am so proud of her. We got to go with her on her first day and see what her class will be like and help her adjust. She loved playing with playdoh and in the kitchen. Her teacher had crafts they could do during the free time. Then it was time for circle time and they met Solomon the Owl the class mascot since they are the Owl class. They also heard a story called How I Spent my Summer Vacation by Mark Teague and then got to draw a picture of what they did this summer. She drew a picture of her with a princess at Disneyland. Then it was time to go and her first day of school was done.
Playing in the Kitchen- she made a donut.
Working on a puzzle.
Writing about what she did this summer
Her sweet teacher Mrs. Gault, she loves her.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moo , baa …. neigh

One of the kids favorite parts of the fair was seeing the animals up close. Logan thought he would moo at the cows and baa at the sheep. It was pretty cute. He didn’t know what sound to make at the pigs but he really liked them. Payton was excited about the animals too,I think she liked the babies the best and there was a pony I think she wanted to take home.
Cutest  sheep at the fair
20120828-156Hi Piggy , wake up please.
Checking out the Baby piggy.
Payton loved this pony, it was the perfect size for her. She gave it lot of love and said good bye as we left the fair. We also saw some beautiful horses.