
Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Messy Moment - Tomato sauce explosion

As a mom of two life is filled with many kinds of messes. Today we were finger painting and there was paint on the floor, the wall , my daughters face, hair and clothes. I don’t mind these messes because she is having fun and using her creativity to make master pieces.

This past year we have had our share of messes, from potty training to feeding an infant we have a variety everyday. Spending time with friends and family can lead to fun and memorable moments, but also some very messy ones. One of the messiest moments I remember is when I was pregnant with my first child and I was getting ready for work one morning and went to grab something from the fridge to put in my lunch. As I pulled out the food I knocked a container of homemade tomato sauce. I watched it drop in slow motion, it hit the freezer door then bounced and flipped until it hit the floor splattering everything in it’s path including me. I was already running late but I had to clean it up. Sauce was all over the floor, the cabinets, the counter ( and anything on it) the fridge ( outside and inside), the wall , me and my shoes.  My kitchen now looked like a crime scene from a TV show. Why do the messiest moments seem to occur at the worst moment or when you don’t have the proper tools to clean them. I quickly grabbed the broken container and put it in the sink so the rest of the sauce ( which wasn’t much) wouldn’t end up in the floor too. Then cleaned up what I could and  changed my clothes before going to work . When I got to work I realized I had tomato sauce in my hair and cleaned it up the best I could (I knew if I didn't my  pre-k students would ask questions). I think I  found spots of tomato sauce for the next few weeks and now looking back I can laugh at the craziness.

One of my little mess makers!012

My life now contains all types of messes and that’s all right and maybe this big sauce explosion helped prepare me for what was to come and remind me that it will all be ok. Since then there have been messes of all kinds: blow outs in the car while we were on vacation or the time my daughter dumped baking soda all over the floor  and even the horrible flu of April 2011 when we were all sick ( not a pretty sight) . I am so glad I can use Clorox to help clean up even the messiest of situations that come my way.

I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls. To learn more about the messy moment program, check out Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.


  1. I swear, whenever something is tomato-based, it can end up everywhere!
