
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seahawks Training camp 2011

Today we got our Seahawks clothes on , loaded up the kids and headed to Renton. This is our third year going to Seahawks training camp and it is always a enjoyable experience.It is a beautiful location and this is the first year it was sunny the whole time.
View of the practice field and Lake Washington from the hill.
Hiding under the sign
Hi Mr. Spider – you like the Seahawks too?!

Peeking in the window to see what was inside.
025Running around having fun

Payton loves to get down to the thumping music they pump out – Logan joined her this year ( his legs didn’t want to stop moving). Each of the kids made new friends – Logan even made friends with of staff members who came over and wanted to hold him. I guess Logan didn’t want to stop dancing since he cried. Payton got to go up and run through the bounce End Zone. At the end of practice as we were getting ready to go Payton decided that she was going to go see the players, she was waving like crazy at them , I got her before she got on the field. Kevin was able to get a few autographs afterwards so everyone was happy and had a great time!

Logan’s first Training camp – he is a fan in training.

  Setting up the autograph table for Autograph alley

Payton was waving to the players like they were her friends – I saw a few smile.

We can’t wait for the season to begin – even though there is some sadness that #8 is gone – When I told Payton she had a look of disbelief and she has since told me she wants to go to Tennessee – she saw him on TV and said Hasselbeck I love you! He will be missed.


  1. I always mean to take the kids the the Eagles training camp. It looks like a very fun time!
