
Monday, August 7, 2017

Barre 3 #B3anywhere

So for the past four weeks there has been a Barre3 summer challenge. I started late because I didn't know about it and stumbled upon it a week late. They had live work outs on Facebook and Instagram and each week in an e-mail they had links for some workouts for that week plus recipes and motivational post to keep you going.
I loved being able to try Barre 3 since I have wanted to for awhile but just didn't want to spend the money on it and then not like it. I have heard so many good things from people I follow on Instagram that I just felt like this challenge would be the perfect chance to try it .
It has been fun and I love the challenge of holding the poses. It has been fun to learn a few new moves and learn how to modify moves I have done before. It is a great work out and left me sore and feeling good. I love that they don't use heavy hand weights because I bad wrists and that they give you modifications and help so you can do the moves in a way that feels good to you or what your body needs. We were in a car accident a few years ago and ever since have had really bad tightness in my neck and I get bad tension headaches so I have found that certain workouts don't work for me and heavy weights make it worse.
They also have some cute tanks , accessories and things you can buy in the shop. I have a few tanks I have been look at this one is cute : 
 or this one. I like it because Barre 3 Started in my home state Oregon so this one would be cute too.
So if you have been thinking about it go and give a try. You can start a 15 day free trial right now to see if you like just like I did.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Seahawks training camp

We have been going to Training camp for about 8 years. Payton was so little and would get so excited. Now the kids are bigger and still love it but the have favorite Players and try to get their autograph. Logan really wanted Jimmy Graham and was really hoping to get it and Payton was trying again for Richard Sherman. We got Russell the past few years and I totally appreciate how he signs for the kids and is out signing forever.

 Waiting for autographs and yelling" Jimmy"

This year it seemed like not many people were coming over to where we were and it was disappointing. The kids were watching the players who were signing and one of them was Jimmy. He was coming toward our section but Kevin told us to go down closer to where he was signing. So I went down with the kids and after signing for a few other kids he came over to us. He said" Hey buddy how's it going? Logan said good but that is all he would say. He just had this big smile on his face.I told Jimmy he was his favorite player because I think it is a really special thing. He thanked us for coming and was really nice. Logan said it was the Best Day Ever!


I know this will be one day he will remember for a long time. We can't wait to see who we get at the next two training camps we go to. More on training camp coming soon.