
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


She loves to twirl and jump and practice her ballet moves. She was excited to start ballet and a little nervous. She did great and Loved her first class with Miss Kelly. She has a great teacher who told me that she had a huge smile the entire class and is a cheerful young lady. I can’t wait to see what she does next week and what she learns though her class. She is getting so big and learning so much.
20120223-123Trying on her ballet things we got, she was so excited.20120221-01220120221-008
Payton with her class and Ms. Kelly. They read stories at the beginning and then started the class once everyone was there. The did some things together and then one on one. At the end she got a stamp she was pretty happy about that.
My lavender ballerina20120225-011
Showing me her star stamp.20120225-012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Up up and away

She loves to swing way up high and she giggles and squeals with glee. I love the big smiles on her face which she tries to hide from me and the camera but the joy is too much. The other day we had a sun break and we took a walk to the little playground near by with my mom. Payton had fun swinging faster ( higher) and Logan had fun watching . I did swing with him on my lap a little which he loved.

The day after we had some sun breaks and decided to go for  a quick trip to the playground so she could swing her little  heart out before her nap. She loves it so much now and it is fun to watch her swing so high! Logan sat in the bark chips and tried to eat some then decided once I said lets not eat bark chips that stuffing them in his sisters boot would be better. Her books slipped off anytime she tried to swing or slide so I let her just go with out. We didn’t stay long since it was cold but it was fun and it is always good to have some time playing outside.
We can’t wait for the days to be sunny and warm so we can play outside more. I know one place we will be visiting a lot this summer. Happy Friday everyone hope your weekend is great.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What we did this weekend

Friday we drove up to the outlet mall to check out the deals and have some fun. We picked up my mom on the way and then headed North to the Seattle Premium outlets. Payton made an new friend at Gymboree watching GymTV later Logan joined her and thought it was fun to push the chairs around the store. Everything can be made into a walker if you ask Logan.

It was fun shopping and we found some great deal and went to some stores I didn’t even know were there ( and we found really great things there). After all that shopping we were  hungry so we met my dad at the Olive Garden near by ( on our way there I noticed they are building a RAM Restaurant another great place to eat while we are up there) Payton had fun eating breadsticks and coloring her kids menu. We played tic-tac-toe while we waited and she did really well.
The rest of the weekend was quiet we did our normal grocery shopping trip for the week and had a nice Lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Verver but other than that we stayed home and relaxed.Here are some highlights:
Logan trying to help me load the dishwasher.
Logan ate his first Pancake and he was so happy!

Payton practiced writing letter in chocolate pudding. The best part was eating it when she was done.
Go Logan go!
Logan followed his sister around the kitchen pushing his stroller. It has been a nice weekend and we have had tons of fun. Next weekend Payton starts Ballet so I know weekends will not be as quiet or relaxing but either way life is good.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just one of those days..

Today was just one of those days when it just seemed like I was Logan was getting into everything and Payton was silly . It started last night Payton woke up multiple times , I finally just took her down stairs , gave her a snack and snuggle on the couch watching Little Bill. It was actually nice to have some time just the two of us. I think she is getting the same cold Kevin and Logan have so I knew she just needed a little extra snuggle time with me.  She slept fine the rest of the night but Logan woke up at 3:40 and I feed him and put him back down. This morning the got into the baking cabinet and emptied most of what was inside. Logan again found the bathroom door open and a little potty with pee inside – nice. The a little later I find him with pink crayon all over his face like he had found some pretty pink lipstick .
Pink crayon mark I missed

I was so happy for Nap time and a break from all the craziness. The rest of the day was better . Payton sent a picture to daddy to say Hi.
No matter how bad your day gets there two little faces always make it better and God gives a fresh start tomorrow for a better day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Exploring new places

This week I met with a nice lady about watching her precious baby girl. I was excited when she suggested the Village bean since I have never been but heard great things about it. It is a great place for kids to play while the adults talk. Afterwards Payton wanted to go see the ducks and chickens so we took a little walk down to where they were. It was crazy how many ducks there were , one little girl and her mom were feeding them so they started swarming around us. They let Payton have some bread to feed them and one big rooster came and pecked it out of her hand – it made me jump and I think she did too. I thought he was going to peck her but he just wanted the bread. Seriously I have this thing about birds so I get a little scared when the start to swarm. It was a fun place to explore with a boat and train cars to look at and climb on. It the weather had been nice we could have stayed and played at the playground with the cool pirate ship. There is also a train she could ride on which she will love. I know we will be going back and we may have to bring some friends or grandparents next time to join in our fun.

I took this picture for my dad – the train lover. Payton wanted to go up and play on it but it is a business and we decided she better just look at the train.

Friday, February 10, 2012

5 things I am grateful for today

This year I am taking the Joy dare to write 3 things I am thankful for everyday , the goal being that I end up with 1000 things.So Today I thought I would post what I am thankful for today.
1 a impromptu walk around the neighborhood with a quick stop at the pond to see the duck.
2. a quiet house –so nice when both kids nap  in the afternoon
3.Payton and the funny things she says that make me laugh.
4. Spending time in my garden getting it ready for the spring.
5. Beautiful sunny days that brighten our house and allow us to go out and play.

There are so many other things to be grateful for and I am enjoying writing them down and truly thanking God for what he has given me.What are you grateful for today? Happy Friday everyone

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February sunshine

We love sunny days in the winter because it means we can go out for a walk , ride a new tricycle and play at a newly found playground. Her smile says it all , she was so happy to show us the new playground and to get out and ride her tricycle. Logan enjoyed watching his sister swing, slide and just act plain silly . They both had fun and it was nice to get outside, not something we get to do a lot of this time of year.
Payton lead the way to the green park , she is so good at riding her tricycle! 20120201-009
A little chat with her little brother while she takes a break from playing20120201-025
She loves to slide – it has always been her favorite!20120201-028
Handsome boy with that great big smile I love20120201-030
Payton decided she wanted to push her little brother so I got to push or carry the tricycle. They sure had fun with her crazy driving into the grass. It was fun to take Logan out in the stroller since we really haven’t used it much for him, I forgot how much I love it. Logan loved it too. I think we will be taking more walks when the weather is nice.