
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas lights, A “Pony”, A train and a Talking Tree

What do these things have in common , they can all be found at the Lights at Warm Beach. It was our first time going and we didn’t know what to expect but  a lot of Christmas lights. It is a magical wonderland of lights, The trees all have lights on them as you drive in and then there are lights every where! It is so beautiful and so much fun for little kids.
Lights that look like mountains , lights you can walk through , lights that look like Santa and his reindeer. So much fun just to walk around and see all of the lights.
Getting warm in the Starry Night Coffee shop before we headed out to look at more lights and find the activities we wanted to do. We didn’t know were the Polar express was so we wandered around found a petting zoo along the way. Then we found the train and had to wait a little bit to ride it. Paton loved it she squealed when it came back and the driver told her it was better than his whistle.20111203-048
Next we went to eat at a place near by that had the “best bluegrass music” according to the guy in front of us in the line for the train. Payton didn’t care for the music and I think we were all thankful when the took a break. The Chili I had was spicy and the corn bread was good. 053
  Next it was time for the Pony Ride – I don’t’ think the one Payton is on is a pony.  She had so much fun riding on Nutmeg. She just walked on over to the line of kids and went right up to the guy to put her on. I kept thinking who is this girl and what happened to my sweet shy little girl who never wants me to be far away!
After that we had to go see Bruce the Spruce – he was pretty fun with his bad jokes and puns like Say Trees and have a tree-mendous time, he thought Payton was such a cute little girl and he wished he could be so cute. He even knew that the “pony “ she rode was a horse! As we let the talking tree we could hear him say “ what a cute little girl – just so cute – I wish I was so cute!”  It was definitely a night to remember with some great new memories and firsts for Payton. It will be fun to go back next year and see what Logan thinks when he is a little older.


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