
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seahawks Training camp 2011

Today we got our Seahawks clothes on , loaded up the kids and headed to Renton. This is our third year going to Seahawks training camp and it is always a enjoyable experience.It is a beautiful location and this is the first year it was sunny the whole time.
View of the practice field and Lake Washington from the hill.
Hiding under the sign
Hi Mr. Spider – you like the Seahawks too?!

Peeking in the window to see what was inside.
025Running around having fun

Payton loves to get down to the thumping music they pump out – Logan joined her this year ( his legs didn’t want to stop moving). Each of the kids made new friends – Logan even made friends with of staff members who came over and wanted to hold him. I guess Logan didn’t want to stop dancing since he cried. Payton got to go up and run through the bounce End Zone. At the end of practice as we were getting ready to go Payton decided that she was going to go see the players, she was waving like crazy at them , I got her before she got on the field. Kevin was able to get a few autographs afterwards so everyone was happy and had a great time!

Logan’s first Training camp – he is a fan in training.

  Setting up the autograph table for Autograph alley

Payton was waving to the players like they were her friends – I saw a few smile.

We can’t wait for the season to begin – even though there is some sadness that #8 is gone – When I told Payton she had a look of disbelief and she has since told me she wants to go to Tennessee – she saw him on TV and said Hasselbeck I love you! He will be missed.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chalk talk

Payton has really gotten into drawing with the sidewalk chalk on sunny days. We go out and decorate the driveway or the walk way. She loves to talk about her chalk art or maybe it is my chalk art since I draw what she asks me too then she colors it.This has been fun  activity and a great way for us to get outside plus it makes our driveway and walk way beautiful!

She loves for  to draw big shapes
Coloring with Poppy
Messages for Daddy.
Her new favorite thing for me to draw is houses
Logan hanging out as we draw all around him.

rediscovering a lost art

There are certain blogs  I love to read ( there is a list at the bottowm) and one of them inspired me to sit down and write to people – To send out cards “just because” - I loved this idea.  I immediately started thinking about who I should send cards to and my list just kept growing.
I used to write all the time to a few of aunts, some friends and I even had Pen Pals – one in Sweden and one in Japan! It was so much fun writing and I loved when I got a letter back. Now with Facebook,e-mail, twitter, letter writing is something I rarely do anymore. I think it is sad that my kids won’t know the joy of sending a special note and getting one back. I was so glad  Payton wanted to help me with my cards. She colored most of them and I wrote a note. She also worked on coloring envelopes for her great grandmas so we can send them each a picture she colored. She loves getting mail and always asks me where her mail is ,so I think it is good for her to send some  mail to her great grandmas.

Payton working hard. Yesterday we mailed seven cards and hope they make people smile! I challenge you to write to a friend , relative or someone how has touched your life and just let them know you were thinking of them. It doesn’t take that long and it can make them feel special.
Logan wanted to help too.
So watch your mailboxes, you never know when a special card or a package may appear to brighten your day!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Day out with Thomas

A few weeks ago we took Payton to Snoqualmie  to ride Thomas the tank Engine. My parents came with us since my dad loves trains and I thought it would be a fun outing for them.

This is what Logan thought about  riding Thomas

Payton was so excited when she saw Thomas and couldn’t wait to ride him. The train ride takes you out to Snoqualmie falls which is beautiful then it goes back to the station. She had a great time on the train ride and after went around and collected her stamps to get her prize. She was able to play with trains , listen to kid songs and she even met Sir Topham Hatt. One of her favorite things was the Rosie tattoo that she got, I think we took a million pictures of it for her.

 The infamous tattoo that is still there a few weeks later
I think everyone had fun and she can't wait for Thomas to come back next year!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Plastic bag ice cream

 Plastic bag ice cream is a fun activity to do on a hot day. I loved doing this activity when I taught , I used to do it with my preschool  students as a science lesson. It is a great activity to do with your kids since they can mix it and then shake, shake and shake the bag. Payton had so much fun jumping and shaking she wanted to do it again tonight. So we made ice cream twice today, we used up all the ice in the freezer. So here is how  you make plastic bag ice cream.
  • Ice Cream
  • 12 cup half and half
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 12 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 one-quart sealable plastic freezer bags
  • 1 one-gallon sealable plastic freezer bag
  • 4 cups crushed ice
  • 12 cup rock salt
  • Gloves or a towel
1. Place half & half, sugar and vanilla in a one-quart plastic bag. Squeeze out excess air and seal tightly.
Shake vigorously to ensure sugar is completely dissolved. Double-bag the first bag with a second one.
2. Place these bags inside a gallon-size bag. Add crushed ice and rock salt to the outer gallon-size bag. Squeeze out excess air and seal tightly. Place the bag inside a towel or put on gloves. Shake and massage the bag to work the ice around the ice cream mixture. When mixture firms up (in about 5-10 minutes), remove the quart bag from salt and ice. Serve immediately or put in the freezer for a little while but not too long. Top with candy , chocolate sauce or however you like and enjoy!
                            Ice cream – this is a double batch
This is what it should look like!
I chopped up some Kit Kat  to mix in
So yummy !

Monday, July 4, 2011


Saturday we took Payton and Logan on their first Ferry boat ride.  It was a crazy morning getting ready and when I asked Payton to get dress she said see that timer it says not right now. After we got ready and out the door it was a rush to get to the ferry dock to try to make the 9:40 ferry but we were too late. It was actually a good thing because Payton got to watch people unload the ferry and start to load plus look at the boats on the water. The sun was shining, you could see the snow capped mountains all around and the water just sparkled – we were ready to go and enjoy this beautiful day.
Once we were on the ferry she took a walk with grandma Verver to explore the boat. Grandpa and daddy went to get  a little food.  While we rode we ate ferry fries and Payton got a cookie that she ate all the M&M’s out of which is how she eat them. Mommy and daddy get to eat the rest. We got close we watch the boat come into the dock and then watch a few Motorcycles leave before we disembarked.
Our first mission was to find a place to eat since both kids were hungry. We looked around and settled on Drifters a burger place. There was a Creperie called J’Aime Les Crepes   but it was busy and with two hungry kids it just didn’t work this time but we just might have to go back.
After eating we walked down to the little beach . Payton collected shells, climbed on logs, wrote in the sand with a stick. We ended up with a few cups full of shells and some great pictures.
Then we walked back up to have some ice cream before heading back to catch the 1:30 ferry. If you ever go to Kingston you should go to Mora ice cream shop.117
Payton had chocolate with sprinkles, Kevin had strawberry, grandma had raspberry and Grandpa and I went with the Irish cream. It was so yummy and Payton loved it.
We headed back for our second ferry boat ride back. Logan was all smiles until I had to put him back in the Baby Bjorn and Payton had fun exploring the ferry.
It was the perfect sunny day to go for a ferry ride ,play at the beach and eat ice cream. There are things I thought of while we were there that we will have to bring on our next ferry ride and make it even better. Goodbye Kingston we had fun and we will be back.