
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My little helper

Payton wanted to help me clean and do laundry yesterday which is great! I love how she wants to help and be just like mommy. I was folding laundry last night and she was wanted to help so she would take what I folded and put it in a pile but not like I would towels together and then my shirts ,Kevin shirts etc - she laid them each in their own spot until she ran of room and then she just randomly started piling clothes up.She got so excited about another towel or shirt it was really cute, I never knew how exciting folding laundry could be until now! Then she decided that she should walk on it and mix it in a big pile when we were done. I tried to put away what I could before all my hard work was ruined. She did help put some of it away and decided it would be fun to fill "her bag" with daddy's socks. Chores are never dull with a toddler around.


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