
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time for some hot chocolate cause baby it's cold out side !

Today we are having the first snow in a long time. Payton looked outside and said It's snowing!! Look mama it's snowing. It is so beautiful to watch . I took Payton outside while I did a few things I need to outside . She was tring to pick up the snowflakes but couldn't so she decided that we needed to sing Jingle bells to the cats in the window. It was fun watching her enjoy the snow coming down. We went out front to check things and as we were watching the snow out there she noticed it was in my hair - she said there's snow in your hair!! It was pretty funny to see.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Peppermint Brownies - ohh so delicious!

Today Payton and I made peppermint brownies using peppermint patties and a simple brownie mix. She helped me mix the ingredients and sort out the peppermints( first she ate some of the dry mix) - as she calls them. When every thing was mixed we poured about half the batter in the baking dish, then the real fun began. I opened the peppermints and Payton placed them on the brownie batter in the dish, she had fun pushing them down and moving them around. She had batter on her face, hands, foot and in her hair, a true baker. When we had enough peppermint patties we poured the rest of the batter and put it in the oven to bake. The smell was heavenly and we could not wait to try our little treat.

They are delicious! Daddy will be surprised when he gets home and I know they will not last long in this house!

My little helper

Payton wanted to help me clean and do laundry yesterday which is great! I love how she wants to help and be just like mommy. I was folding laundry last night and she was wanted to help so she would take what I folded and put it in a pile but not like I would towels together and then my shirts ,Kevin shirts etc - she laid them each in their own spot until she ran of room and then she just randomly started piling clothes up.She got so excited about another towel or shirt it was really cute, I never knew how exciting folding laundry could be until now! Then she decided that she should walk on it and mix it in a big pile when we were done. I tried to put away what I could before all my hard work was ruined. She did help put some of it away and decided it would be fun to fill "her bag" with daddy's socks. Chores are never dull with a toddler around.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat - those are the words Payton had been saying all week but when It came time to say it Sunday night she wouldn't. She did say thank you and another one.

She was excited and got it more than last year. She also loved to feed the kids or people - give the kids candy, she held the bowl for them and really wanted to put it in their bags.

She was a very cute Tinkerbell and loves to wear her costume even those she won't get candy for doing so.. I will be fun as she gets older to watch her play dress up and see what she comes up with. It is fun to watch her as she discovers new things and figures out things like how to pull a chair up to the counter to get what she wants.She can now get into drawers to make new discoveries of what is inside.