
Friday, August 14, 2015

God can get us to the finish line

So most of you know how much I love reading so I was thrilled to find out I was picked to be part of Candace Cameron Bure’s book launch team. I grew up watching Full House and I read Candace’s book Balancing It All and loved it. I think she is such a great example and I love that she is not afraid to share her faith and stand up for her values. 

As part of the book launch team we could write a blog post about one of the topics or themes in the book. One theme that I felt I could write about was crossing the finish line.
A few years ago I went back and got my master’s in education online and it was a really challenging time for me. There were many  times I really had to pray and ask God for strength to get through it.  A month after I started my masters Kevin had hip surgery and then I started a new job.  It was a busy time plus I had a 21 month old daughter to take care of and  all the regular house work and errands. My initial response to my all this was it is already a hard time why would God bring us so much stress and hardship. I remember that I prayed a lot that I could get through the work and that Kevin would feel better. The last part of my masters I added fun pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and headaches. 
  There were many I times thought maybe I should do this later  or  I should quit and not finish it at all but I kept feeling like God was leading me through the classes and telling me to keep going ,I could do it.  I had to learn to let go of somethings I was doing and do the things that I really needed to do so I could get my school work done. I trusted that God would help me get though the all the work, the papers and discussions and he did. I actually did way better than I thought I would because I was so tired and sometimes felt like I was just frantically throwing papers together. I learned so much though this time , I was able to finish my Masters a month after I had my son and I got a 4.0, only one way that happened with all the craziness.
 I know God was by my side leading me through this challenging time. I learned that life isn’t always going to go the way we want it to ,sometimes it is like running a race we have to keep going even when we feel like we can’t go one more step, until we cross that finish line . God is always there cheering us on and carrying us when we feel to weak . I had to learn to ask others for help and to let things go ( which was so hard as a perfectionist ) but most of all I learned that God is there for me and his plan is best, I just need to trust him to get through.
 One of my favorite verses is Hebrews 12:1 NIV Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  It is a great verse to remember in times that are hard and we feel weighed down - let God help you throw off those things that weigh you down so you can finish the race he has planned for you.

This post was inspired by Candace Cameron Bure’s new book, Dancing Through Life: Steps of Courage and Conviction. Order your copy of #DancingThroughLife today!