
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

End of the school year

Payton’s last day of school  was yesterday and this for a teacher gift I bought her a sign from one of my favorite places Barn Owl Primitives( go here to check out her other beautiful signs, if I had the money I would fill my house with them ( I love this one but she has so many other great sign in her shop and one day I will have one hanging in our house.  I chose this sign because as a teacher I know it is not an easy job and it is a good reminder we can do it and it is also something that we can remind our students. Kindergarten is hard work but they can do it. We made a card where Payton wrote the top ten reasons she loved her teacher, it was really sweet. One of my favorites was that she held her hand, it is always good to know that they have a teacher who takes care of them and loves them.

We gave it to her yesterday and she loved the sign , I am so happy!  I think it is beautiful and will look great in her house or classroom. I hope it reminds her of Payton and how hard she worked because she believed in her.
Yesterday was Payton’s Last day of Kindergarten. Here she is waiting with her friends before school. They have grown so much and it was fun to watch her make new friends.2014-06-17 12.31.25
2014-06-17 12.36.42

Payton on her first day of Kindergarten and her last – both days were hard – hard because she is growing up going to school all day and then hard to say good bye to a great teacher ( Even though we will see her next year) .We are looking forward to some summer adventures and checking things off our summer fun list!kindergarten

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Summer is coming

Summer is almost  here, Payton has a few more days of school and then we will be off and start crossing things off our summer fun list! This year has gone by so fast and  I am excited to have a little time to relax and enjoy time with the kids. I will be able to update the blog more often now too. Here are some picture from things we have done the last month or two
Having fun blowing bubbles together. I think Logan ate more bubbles then he blew.IMG_4869IMG_4901I love this picture of her surrounded by bubble and you can see the bubble particles of a bubble that just popped. IMG_4908
We have also enjoyed all the sunny days by playing in the pool and sprinkler.
In May we went to the Seattle Tilth plant sale , a tradition for us. We get plants, play on the fun playground and eat some yummy mighty o cinnamon sugar donuts. 
Payton picking out a Strawberry plant for our garden with grandma vIMG_3959
Fun in the pool.
Planting our garden. This year we are growing broccoli, kale, eggplant, pumpkins, pepper,Zucchini, Roma tomato and some corn planted by the squirrels. I love watching everything grow and then enjoying it. IMG_4236