
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Let your light shine

Last night Payton had her first school performance and she did great and let her light shine! I am so proud of her for singing her heart out and remembering the motions and verses. Here is a video of the show, it is not the best but not bad there were a few people who walked in front of me. Payton was standing next to her friend Ella, the are so cute and I love that they are the same size.
 They all did a great job and it was a lot of fun. It is amazing how much these kids have grown and changed over the year and it was fun to hear the songs that I have heard bits and pieces of for the last few months. She is growing up fast and will soon be headed to kindergarten. We Love you Payton!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Garden

This year our garden will  be a bit different with the help of my dad we built a raised bed to help contain the garden and keep animals and other things out. Also this year Payton and Logan picked  a few vegetables to grow. Payton will be growing a pumpkin, a chocolate sweet pepper and diamond eggplant. Logan will be growing broccoli and cayenne pepper and I will be growing zucchini and buttercup squash.
We will have quite the garden and I am excited to try the new vegetables we will be growing. It will be interesting to see if the kids will try them or if I will be trying them alone.
This week will be planting out plants and watching them grow. We will also be watching out The Sunflowers we planted grow , I can already see them sprouting up. I love seeing what happens and how things grow and change through the summer. I will be posting updates when I can about what is growing .

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beauty of Spring

I love the colors of spring and all the beautiful flower and things that it brings. I have really enjoyed taking pictures of the different flowers I have seen recently.
I love these lilacs all so different but all of them are so beautiful. I love the white edges of the purple one below and I noticed today that there is a group of flowers that doesn’t have the white. It is nice to see so many different colors around as we take walks, play outside or even when we drive.
I love these purple lilacs that were a darker purple then turned really light.The last two pictures are of the same lilac a week later.WP_20130425_006WP_20130426_007WP_20130429_003WP_20130506_001

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cottonelle clean crew

Being part of the Cottonelle clean crew sample and share , I was excited to get a free stash of Toilet paper. We love Cottonelle at our house and it is the brand we prefer. I also love that they have the flushable wipes, these are especially useful for my kids since it can be hard to get everything clean with just regular TP.
When the package came with our samples my kids were so excited! Of course they thought it was a fun surprise for them but it wasn’t exactly what they thought. They did love stacking the packages of TP and the flushable wipes and then knocking them down.
I like that the Cottonelle flushable wipes can be mounted to the wall for easy access. I know we never really knew where to put them and with this wall mount it is so easy. Having a system where you use both is great and leaves you feeling clean and is great for kids.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fun at the Zoo

Tuesday afternoon we went to a special preview of the new otter exhibit. It had a really fun play area for kids. Payton had fun playing on the main structure ( can you spot her blonde little head) and Logan liked playing in the bamboo and trying to hide from grandpa.
After all the fun in the new section, we headed out to see the giraffes, Payton’s favorite animal at the zoo. We stopped at the Meerkats first and the Komodo Dragon. Payton sat on the statue of one but Logan was not so sure he wanted to. Next we went to see the lions and it is amazing how
We next went to check out the big hippos and found them out with the giraffes, zebras and a few other animals.
Logan loved the elephants, he was SO excited to see them and could have watched them all day. He also liked the monkeys or ooh ooh aah aah’s . Payton had fun climbing on all the animal statues and she even kissed the monkey.
We ended our visit with the penguins, Logan was more interested in this fountain.