
Thursday, April 18, 2013

A busy weekend

Life around here has been busy, a few weekends ago we had a really busy weekend. First we went to the Bunny Bounce at the zoo with my parents then we headed up to Sumas for a memorial service for Uncle Howard and then Sunday was Easter with Church, and dinner at my in laws house.
I have only been to Sumas twice, once when we were first married and a few weeks ago for his uncles funeral. It was fun to explore a little bit after the service and it was a beautiful day. I loved the old green building with the old car in front. I found out later that it was the school where my husband grandpa went to school. The cherry blossoms were out and so were the mountains and the kids had a fun time playing out on the elementary playground. What a beautiful place to play and enjoy the sunshine. Later we all gathered for dinner at Bob’s burger and brew , Logan enjoyed watching cars and trucks out the window and playing with the dirt in the plant near us. Payton had fun with her cousin Jillian, taking pictures and being silly.
Easter at our house started with an Easter egg hunt and opening what was in our baskets. Then we enjoyed some yummy cinnamon rolls before we got ready and headed out to church.  After a great sermon and talking to a few people we knew we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Verver’s house. We had tons of fun taking family pictures, eating yummy food , an egg hunt and a treasure hunt to find the Easter baskets. Logan decided after finding a few eggs he wanted to stay outside and play in the blue car. We were happy to get home and rest for a little while and the kids were happy to sort through their treasures and eat some candy.
Most of all we are thankful; for what Jesus did for us ,that is why we celebrate.


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