
Monday, April 29, 2013

Flower Power

This weekend we went to see the Tulips at the Skagit Valley Tulip festival. We love Tulip Town and it is a tradition we look forward to every year. April is one of my favorite months, because there are so many beautiful flowers to see but also because it is the month that we got married almost 8 years ago. This year we made a stop to see the fountain at the UW since we promised Payton we would go back since we ran out of time when we went to see the Cherry Blossoms.

Payton wanted to go explore one of the places we took pictures when she was 18 months. She loved the columns and stairs, it is a fun little place that is hidden away. It feels like a special place where your imagination can run wild.

Payton’s first time at the tulip fields , it is fun to she how she has changed. She was about the same size as the tulips and now she is taller than them.
Logan has changed a lot since his first visit to the field , he was only a few weeks old and so small. I think he may have slept most of the time. We brought grandma and grandpa Tucker for their first trip to Tulip Town.
   Me and Kevin , married almost 8 years!
My dad was excited about his first trip to see the tulips.
I love the barns, it is a great back drop to the colorful tulips . I looks like a blanket of tulips, I can only imagine how long it takes to plant but totally worth all the hard work.
We had a great time despite the rain and by the time we were done the sun was peaking through. I love seeing all the different colors and varieties of tulips and it reminds me how amazing God is since he created it all.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cherry Blossoms

In late March we went to see the Cherry Blossoms at the University of Washington. Last year we went late and they didn’t look as pretty, most of the petals had fallen off and covered the ground. This year I made so to check and see when they were blooming so we could pick a time and go. We found the tree that Payton sat in when she was 18 months , it is a great tree to sit in and she loves it!( seriously she gave it a hug and said I love you tree).
While Payton loved her tree, Logan had fun running around the Quad. It was so much fun to play outside in the sun.
Logan didn’t really want to stick around for photos with us but he did sit for a minute with his sister.
Payton enjoying the scenery , the trees and the buildings really make for a nice place to be on a sunny day.
We had to go somewhere and ran out of time to go see the fountain so we promised we would come back another day just to see the fountain.