
Sunday, February 24, 2013

A day in the sun

I told Payton that I would take her 5 year pictures and asked her were she wanted to go . She paused and said the Eiffel Tower , it was so sweet and I would have loved to have flown to Paris to take pictures but it is no realistic and definitely not in the budget. So the other day was sunny and Payton and I decided that it would be a great day to go take pictures at Marina Beach park. So after work we got ready and waited for Grandma Tucker to come so she could help watch Logan then off we went to the beach in February! It was beautiful and many others decided to get out and enjoy the nice sunny day since rain was in the forecast. It was fun to see kites flying and people having fun outside, it looked like summer but still felt like winter. That sun can be so deceiving. Payton was cold and it was windy , not ideal weather for pictures but we did our best and had fun.062069
Even though it was cold she still wanted to play in the sand and take her shoes off. She wrote her name and buried her feet in the sand. Logan threw sand and rocks, a good time was had by all.
Watching for the crow we saw at the beach but no seagulls this time.
Later the same day we played a little bit outside and went to get the mail. It was such a beautiful day in February and we take them when we can get them. It was also nice to see the moon, it was beautiful.
Logan thought it was so funny to run away from me and just keep going. I had to grab him and he came back on his own..this is his face as he came back home – he is so funny. It was fun to celebrate a nice day and have an adventure  outside in February. I think we are ready for Spring.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A few days ago we went out side to play , Payton wanted to ride her tricycle since it was not raining. Payton let Logan have a ride on her tricycle and even pulled him around. I love watching them play together. Payton is a caring big sister who watching out for her little brother and Logan looks up to his big sister and wants to do everything she does. He loves to snuggle in her bed and watch movies and they have a great time together ..most of the time. This week as we celebrated Valentines day and talked of Love I was reminded of how much God loves us. Payton gave us a valentine that had this verse on it
For God so loVed the world
     that  He gAve
            His onLy
                      That whosoever
         Believeth In Him
           Should Not perish
        But have Everlasting Life.
John 3:16
I thought this was really sweet – it spelled out Valentine, and truly God is the ultimate Valentine. I am so glad he game me my husband and kids to love and that He loved me enough to die for me. I also Love their relationship and I love how much they love each other, my favorite thing is hearing them laughing together it warms my heart.
Back home after a fun time with his sister, she pulled him all the way to the pond and back because she thought he would like it.  What a great day and new memories for both of them.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


A few weeks ago Our sweet little girl turned 5. Her birthday started with a yummy donut from Top pot donuts before we got ready to go to work and then school. Logan was happy with his donut.
020023027There was a little dancing in the kitchen before we headed out the door. Later we had dinner at Red Robin and then home for some yummy cupcakes while mommy worked on the rainbow cake and we got ready for her party the next day.

031032037039065 Making the rainbow layers- this was a bit more challenging this year  but it turned out great.
The Party:
Payton had a great time at her party , she was so excited for everyone to come celebrate. She couldn’t wait to open presents and eat some of her cake.
Logan and Isla having funIMG_1213Payton opening up Caroline her first American Girl doll, she loves her and is taking great care of her. I think Logan was just as excited, I love his expressions!098099105
peek- a –boo!
She had so much fun and loves all her new things, so does Logan. Now that she is five she tells me all the time that she can do something because she is 5.I love the new confidence that comes with this new year and how grown up she is becoming. I can't believe how much growing and getting big so fast and I love watching her grow each year. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be her mom.I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for Payton and all the things she will be able to do since she has grown ( almost 5 inch this last year) and learns more and more.