
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I can’t remember when I Started to love Fall and really notice the colors and how beautiful they are but I know my sweet little girl has helped. She loves the leaves and always has every year we go for walks or to the park or store and come home with leaves we have found. We go on leaf walks and collect them for her wheelbarrow to look through and marvel at the beauty that God has created. Here are some picture of our leaf walks and a trip to the park. It is fun to watch the leaves change color over the last few weeks and how quickly the leaves fall especially with the windy days we have had.

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She wanted to go visit her orange tree and give it a hug20121007-00720121007-01220121007-00620121007-02920121007-03720121007-03420121007-08020121007-099

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Happy Fall. We  hope you are all enjoying the beauty around you and don’t forget to hug a tree.


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