
Friday, May 25, 2012

Sun breaks

This week the rain has kept us inside which makes Payton a little crazy. We took a walk in the rain earlier in the week but today there were some sunbreaks so we load up and went to country village. We gone by it a few times the past few weeks and Payton always asks if we can go, you would think I was taking her to Disney land she get so excited. Really who wouldn’t love going to Country Village, it has a playground with pirate ship and train you can take a ride on, ducks and chickens running around, paths to follow, bridges to cross and tons of cute stores to check out. They also have some great places to eat, have coffee or tea , get some ice cream whatever sounds good to you. There is also a great toy store we have yet to enter but I have heard great things and someday we will go inside. I let Payton decide where she wanted to go and we just walked around and ended with a little play time at the playground.
20120524-02920120524-032She loves to pick up flowers from the Azaleas or other flowering bushes we see.20120524-033She was excited to walk over the bridge, we went over it a few times while we were walking around.20120524-04020120524-04120120524-04320120524-045 - CopyFish fountain one of many fountains at Country Village20120524-04820120524-05220120524-054 - Copy
Many different horses to ride –the real ones are there in October.20120524-05720120524-05920120524-060
I love the landscaping around the buildings. I need to find some of these plants to incorporate into our back yard to make it look better.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walk in the rain

Today we took a walk in the rain, something we LOVE to do. I think walks in the rain can be more fun than in the sun. You get to see things that you normally wouldn’t plus it is quiet with just the sound of the rain drops hitting the umbrella. 20120521-001
Logan saw an airplane and was so excited! He watched it until he could not see it anymore. Payton had fun picking flowers that she found on the trail.20120521-019
Logan wanted to hold the umbrella too but Payton wanted to do it by herself. I let him help me while she was picking flowers and that made him happy.20120521-022
Hi mom!20120521-029
Payton had to point out the slugs she saw along the way. Thanks sweetie but I don’t need to know.
On our way to the mail box they both had to watch the UPS truck drive by. It is the simple things that excite them, they don’t need fancy toys to be happy we just watch the Garbage truck pick trash or the UPS person deliver packages. We love a rainy day.20120521-042

Monday, May 21, 2012

Picnics inside and fun in the sun

We have had some amazing weather the last few weeks and have been able to do so many fun things.
Payton finished her second session of ballet. It was fun to see how much she has learned since she started.
Afterwards we went out for some Cold Stone and Starbucks.
We have enjoyed some time in our garden
Tea Party
Payton wanted to have a Tea party but it was more like a picnic. We had cinnamon toast, banana and some granola bar. We had many of our friends join us for our fabulous picnic.20120516-001
Woody fell asleep in his food, Oh Woody!20120516-017
Ava joined us at the end but we did not have any food left for her. Maybe next time.20120516-021
Water Table
Later that day we filled up the water table and had fun splashing around with the ducks.20120516-028
Logan trying to lick the water off his face . He thought it was fun to splash in the water and get wet.20120516-050

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This Mother’s Day we changed it up and went out for breakfast at the Sawmill Café in Mill Creek. I love not having to make the pancakes and it is nice to have different options. They have so many that sounded yummy like almond crunch french toast or the strawberry crepes , it was hard to choose.
Logan enjoyed watching the cars in the parking lot and smiling at the people coming in while he waited for his food. We all got pancakes and of course Payton had to have her scrambled eggs and sausage. We had regular buttermilk, blueberry,strawberry and M&M  pancakes, I tasted them all and they were so good then you add that real maple syrup that they serve warm it is so delicious.
Logan was ready to dig in when the food came and Payton was so excited about all of her food, really when do you get mini M&M and whipped cream for breakfast! 019
After a quick Starbucks stop , the store then Church we arrived home to relax. We played outside in the warm sunshine and did a little gardening.
For lunch we ate yummy Panera sandwiches and shared a Strawberry Smoothie and Kevin had his normal burger and fries.It was nice to have lunch at home and not have to deal with the crowds. In the evening we had a light dinner then some yummy Cookies and cream ice cream cake. Then I got to open my cards from Kevin, Payton and Logan. Then Logan and Payton played with the balloon they got me.
It was the perfect Mothers day , I love being a mom to my two amazing kids who bring me so much joy every day. I am so blessed, I hope your Mother's day was filled with love and snuggles too.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Garden

The past few days we have been working on the garden getting it ready for the new plants. There were tons of weed to get rid of and soil to prepare before we could plant our plants.
Payton loves the Dandelions in our yard and has to pick them, she also likes to blow the seeds too. 20120506-007
Here is what the garden looked like before with all the weeds and moss.20120506-012
Logan and Payton working together to get the garden ready.20120506-013
Logan likes the dandelions too.20120506-046
Payton placing the seashells around the newly planted zucchini, butternut squash and pumpkin.20120507-122
Here is what the garden looked like when we were done.20120507-127
Afterwards Payton was swinging from the branches saying “ I’m a monkey” and Logan would say Ahh ahh.20120507-134
Logan enjoyed playing by the tree with his big sister. Some day they will both be swinging and climbing that tree.20120507-139