
Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Super One year old

This past Saturday we had Logan’s birthday party. I chose a super hero theme , my mom made both kids capes with the first letter of their names on them. We decorated the day before since we had Payton’s Ballet observation day in the morning and we wouldn’t have a lot of time to make the food and get ready. Logan had fun while we waited for food then he crashed and took a little nap while everyone ate.
The Decorations:
Silly boy!20120324-IMG_6950
Present time!
  He was a little sleepy at first but soon got into opening his presents with the help of Payton. He really wanted to play with every toy after we opened it. Below he was smiling when I pressed the button in the car and it said “ Back to head quarters” ( imagine batman saying it)20120324-IMG_6963
20120324-IMG_6973Just your average baby boy by day 20120324-IMG_6996
 The Cake
I made a checkerboard cake and it turned out ok , blue and green for Super Logan's colors and then chocolate  of course. I made a special little cake for Logan to eat and mash up but he wasn’t interested in making a mess he ate some ice cream with grandpa and later had some cake with me.20120324-207
Super Logan!
Happy First Birthday Logan ! We sure think you are super!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tea and scones

Today Payton and I  went to have tea with Grandma Tucker , Grandma Verver, Aunt Kelly and Aunt Teri.  It was fun to go out and do something special with her. We always play tea party and now she actually had a tea party of her own with a real china cup. We talked about being careful and how she was a big girl so she could use a real tea cup. She told me she would be careful since it was glassy and could break. The Village Eatery and Tea Company is a shop in the country village where we love to go play and hang out. It is decorated with tea cups, plates and antiques and of course some teapots.20120318-034
Payton got her own special tea cup and  tea pot of hot chocolate she thought it was pretty special.She was very entertaining and made the salt and pepper fly around. Payton was also very interested in the two boys who came in with their dad. She wanted what they had and was saying that boys are allowed at the tea place. I did tell her that it was just for girls since she wanted daddy and Logan to come but I wanted it to be a special time for us. 20120318-004
Being so careful with her teacup
Silly girl!
She loved the turkey with raspberry cream cheese sandwich and she had to have a Cone( scone) I had a lemon glazed scone and it was very yummy especially with the fresh strawberry jam. The think I loved about The Village Eatery was that you could come and eat there or just pop in and get a treat  to go. There were lots of yummy looking treats , Payton wanted a cookie like the little boys behind us had with green frosting .
Me and Payton outside of the Village Eatery and Tea Company20120318-021
Chasing the ducks in the fountain.20120318-024
Make a wish! 20120318-029
We love going to the Country Village since there are so many great shops and things to do. As we were getting ready to go Payton wanted to show us the ducks in the fountain and she ran around a little. Aunt Teri gave Payton a few coins to toss in the fountain the second one she got in the top part by the frogs. The picture above is the reaction to her making it. It was a lot of fun to take Payton for her first tea and hopefully we can do it again .

Sunday, March 11, 2012


For me Spring is the time of year when new life starts, trees will have leaves again, flowers bloom and infuse beautiful color back into the world around us. I look forward to the warmer weather and fun adventures ( as my daughter calls them) outside.
It makes me think about cleaning out things and reorganizing the house to give it a new fresh feeling.I really love going through and reorganizing/getting rid of stuff, It feels good to clean things out and change things around. We also start our garden in the spring , it is a time of new beginnings and hope.
  Spring also has special meaning to me because I meet my husband and I got married in the Spring  almost 7 years ago. Last year I added another reason to celebrate the Spring time our sweet little Logan was born 2 days after the first day of Spring. What a great way to welcome spring with new life. 20120308-016-1
My sweet little boy who will soon be 1!

It also means Ballet lessons for Payton who is so excited to be taking classes. I love all the pastel colors the little girls wear, it is fun to watch them twirl and run around. It will mean pretty Easter dresses and pretty little shoes for her as well and she loves  it.

We will soon be going to see beautiful fields of Tulips .

  There are so many things to look forward to this Spring. The Tulip festival , Easter and some egg hunts, celebrating our 7th anniversary and lot of other fun things. I look forward to all that Spring brings us even the rain since we all know that with out the rain we would not have the beautiful flowers.  Happy Spring!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


We have had some beautiful sunny days which are rare this time of year and I have used them to practice taking pictures of shadows. I love to try new things and try new creative angles etc. when I am taking pictures, it is the great thing about digital photography you can take tons of pictures and then put them on the computer and start over.
Here are some of my favorite ones:
Me and Payton at the park 20120222-114
Payton and my mom at the park20120222-DSCN4023
Me and my mom with Logan20120227-028
Me and my dad and Logan20120227-DSCN4258
Logan playing in the snow20120306-070
Me and Logan – Look at him standing. I love that it looks like he is saying Hi.20120306-081
Payton with the leaf she found20120306-183
The three of us out back playing20120306-206
I love that the shadows tell a story and it is a great way to include everyone in the pictures especially me since I am usually taking them, now I can be in them too.