
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A snow day adventure

Our snow day began with one our favorite morning treats chocolate chip pancakes. Payton helped me put the chocolate chip in, she made one for herself with a ton of chips in it. Logan hung out with us as we made the pancakes, he had some crazy crib head going on. After breakfast we went out to play in the snow .
We made a special happy birthday message for my mom since it was her birthday. Payton tried to make her a snow cake and Logan watched.20120117-032
Once Logan was down for his morning nap Payton and I took a look walk in the wagon. Pulling a wagon in the snow is a lot  harder than you think it is going to be. We went to go check out the side roads to see how they looked just in case we needed to get out . On our way to the first road I noticed kitty foot prints and show Payton. The next thing you know we followed the track to where the cat was sitting under the tree. On our way back we looked for the cat again but it was gone, hopefully some place warm.
It was so beautiful and quiet out it was fun to walk and see the places we go all covered in snow. I loved walking throw these trees, it was so pretty.20120117-051
When  we got home we had some hot chocolate with marshmallows and Payton got to use her new mug again. It was a fun day , one we will remember and talk about later in the year.

Lots of pretty Rainbows

This weekend we celebrate our little girl turning Four! I keep thinking when did she get so big, it doesn’t seem like it has been four years since this precious girl came into my life. For her birthday Payton wanted to have a rainbow theme for her party. So I made her a rainbow cake – not in the shape of a rainbow but a layer with each color  of the rainbow. It turned out better than I thought it would and looked really cool.20120122-IMG_6695
She loved her presents and didn’t want to share them with Logan who was just as happy with all the new toys. He really liked the tricycle box, he must know it will some day be his. Grandpa Tucker was asked to build it and with some help from Aunt Teri and Payton did it. She had fun riding around the kitchen on it and did a great job peddling. She told me that she had a fun day and everything was so beautiful.20120122-IMG_6637
Both kids loved the Giraffe, whose name is unknown. she has changed it multiple times since Sunday.
Mailing some letters, then she would deliver them to people.20120122-IMG_6674
She told me she had to sit on the counter by her cake.
Happy Happy birthday to you …20120122-IMG_6692
Logan crashed while we ate cake, he was so tired.

She looks so big riding on her tricycle.
As she turn the page to the start of a new year we celebrate this wonderful girl. Can’t wait to see what she will do next and what this year will  hold for her.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Days

The snow began to fall Saturday and it hasn’t really stopped since then. We have all been outside many times stomping through the snow, trying to make snowmen, writing names in the snow, Logan even made his hand print and then cried.  It has been fun and cold but Payton doesn’t care, Logan he would prefer to just stay inside and watch the snow fall. We have had  a lot hot chocolate after snow play parties which Payton thinks are great. She always asks me for hot chocolate when we come in or sometimes even before we come inside – “is it time for hot chocolate mama?” Why yes it is., yummy hot chocolate with marshmallows coming up. Here is some of the fun we had in the snow.

20120114-00420120114-00620120114-01520120114-016Payton making a snow angel ( she always kept her head up)
20120114-02220120115-010 Payton and daddy made snow balls and threw them into the street. 20120115-02020120115-027Love this sweet little face.20120115-03120120115-04120120115-06220120115-069Payton standing in the snow angel I made

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Not so happy new year

This year did not start out the way I had thought it would, the ball dropped and it was like a ball dropped in our house. Both kids were sick , Payton was not feeling good and I was up with her most of the night/morning with her. She spent a lot of time last week sleeping on the couch or in our bed. She had a double ear infection and Logan had just an ear infection. It is always hard to see your kids sick and in pain and I am so happy to have Payton and Logan back to their happy , normal selves.


We are all feeling better now and even if things keep happening that I don’t expect we are going to try to make it a good year for us. I have a few goals the first one being read a book a month , the second is to write down 3 things I am grateful for as part of the Joy Dare that Ann Voskamp ( she wrote One Thousand Gifts - one of the books I am going to read) is doing. I am excited to see where God lead us this next year. One thing I would like to do is get things cleaned and organized but I say that every year and it doesn’t happen so this year I will just try to do better in that area.


We hope everyone is having a great new year .

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It’s pajama time!

I love Christmas Pajamas as you can tell Payton and Logan have a lot of different Christmas pajamas. There even a few I didn’t get pictures of but they are so cute and I LOVE Christmas time there is just something about it , I think that it is the time of year when it gets cold and snuggling under a blanket in warm Pajamas and some hot chocolate is so fun.  They have pajamas with gingerbread men, monkey’s , Santa, a sledding kitty and snowmen. We Love them all.

As Payton's favorite part of the book we read every night says – " All around the room in one big line wearing pajama and looking so fine – It’s Pajama time!" ( We Love Sandra Boynton books)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Payton woke up early on Christmas to see what Santa brought. She could not wait to open up all of her presents. Logan was happy too but I think for the most part he was just taking it all in. He did seem to eye my candy and some other things. After our stockings and presents that were under the tree were open we ate some yummy pancakes and played with our new toys. Payton played football with Daddy on Kinect sports.'

Later that afternoon we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Verver’s house for dinner and opened more presents. It was the Christmas of Pillow pets – funny thing is two of the three who received them were adults, not sure who was more excited…  One was almost 4. I do wonder why the other child didn’t get one… Anyway we had a good time opening gifts and then watching the kids play with the toys. Payton and Grandma put on a concert using Logan’s new toys.  Later Logan and I hung out and enjoyed the fire – he was mesmerized by it. Payton brought some pretend food to Rosie. A little later Great Grandma Visser came with Howard, Harlean and Debbie to have dessert and go to Candy Cane Lane. Payton and Great Grandma had a great time playing with the wooden dolls she got we had to tear them away so they could have some dessert. Candy Cane Lane was fun and we took our pictures in our two favorite spots. We have done this before we had kids so it is another long standing tradition for us.

                  Candy cane Lane
   He was exhausted from all the fun and excitement