
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oh how you have grown

I heard someone mention that they took a picture of their little girl every month in the same chair to show how they have changed and grown. Of course by the time I heard about this idea Logan was about 3 months old so I missed doing it the first few months but I do have him in Payton's little chairs so I will use that the first few months. 
Hours old at the hospital
  1 month old
2 months old
3 months old
4 months old
5 months old
6 months old

Happy 6 months Logan! We Love you and can’t wait to see what you will do in the next 6 months!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baking for a cause

In August we spent a week getting ready for our garage/bake sale ,it was a busy week of load stuff for the garage sale and baking cookies. We had friends, grandmas ,great grandmas and even a few people we didn’t know bake for our bake sale. I truly appreciated the help since it would have been a lot to bake so many kinds of goodies.We had brownies, three different kinds of cookies, muffins and Rice Krispy treats to buy with all the money going to the Ben Towne foundation.  There were some people who just donated money which was great too. In the end we made 50.00 for the Ben Towne Foundation which isn’t to bad for a one day bake sale.Payton stayed outside for a little while and then Logan helped sell the goodies. They did great for a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 month old. I am so proud of the work they did and that they are learning to help others.360
 Making cookies for the bake sale

 Payton and Logan each took time sitting at the table selling goodies


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bubba's, ice cream and a few sunrise/sunsets..

We did a lot of fun things and ate at so many great places but what was our favorite? I asked Payton what her favorite part of the trip was and this is what she said. I liked the little fish we saw ,  swimming building sandcastles, the hula dancers and getting Ice cream at Lapperts. Really what didn’t she love. The day after we got back she asked if we could go back.

The first Bubba’s we visited - Kevin's favorite burger place  ( oh look a phone booth -Payton asked what it was.)
051 Payton loved her corn dogs at Bubba’s!
We loved Bubba’s burgers – The new location was better than the first one( the first picture) It was in a new shopping center which was nice plus it had great palm trees and flower to look at and an ice cream place near by , they also had a better selection of t-shirts and this really sweet old man who worked their who gave Payton and I “kisses” – Hershey kisses with macadamia nuts inside. He was really sweet and both times we ate at this Bubbas he came and talked to his “girlfriends” .
Another place we liked to eat was Lapperts for some yummy ice cream – I had Kona coffee and Coconut fudge macadamia nut both were delicious! Payton always had chocolate and had to eat part of someone's cone. Kevin had a something different every time.
We also loved a few other places that we ate. Bobby V’s an Italian place had great food, Payton even ate her meatballs. Then there was the brick oven pizza place that gave Payton pizza dough to play with while we waited – Such a great Idea!! She loved it and made little pizzas for us all.
Payton's  little Pizza dough creations
One of my favorite thing was watching the sun rise and set. I took a million pictures of it but It was so beautiful and I wanted to remember it plus it was fun practicing. Here are some of my favorites.
Ok, so there are more than a few but these are some of my favorites. I took a lot more but I will not bore you with those, if you want to see them I can  put them in an online album. Our trip was great and filled so many great memories.We Love Kauai!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Flying to paradise

Flying with kids is an adventure and not one I want to do every year. Payton was excited to fly on a plane since the last time she had flown she was five months old – the same age Logan was for his first plane ride.  She enjoyed sitting with grandma and watching DVD’s, she even took a nap. So many people told us how great they did and I was very proud of them for surviving the long trip and not crying or screaming. IMG_5779
Waiting at the airport
Logan loved the air blowing one him- his first plane ride
Payton on the plane – she did great and had fun watching movies with grandma.

Welcome to LAIMG_5794
We even saw Mickey Mouse – ok so it was at LAX but she was still excited.
Going home – Good Bye Kauai , we sure had fun !IMG_6070

Splish- splash it’s beach time!

Lydgate beach –This beach was not to far from where we were staying and it had a great playground so if the kids didn’t like the water they could go there. It was both kids first time in the ocean and they both loved it. Payton was apprehensive at first and didn’t want to go out far but each time we went to another beach she would go out farther.

My little beach baby
Payton’s first time in the Ocean .008
First time in the Ocean!
Hanamaulu Beach – We went to this beach twice, we built sand castles, and played in the waves. Originally we went to build a sandcastle, we hadn’t planed on getting wet. It was fun and every one but Logan got wet! The second time we brought daddy to join in the fun!
Ke’e beach – This beach is at the very end of the North side of Kauai. It was so beautiful and we thought it might be  a good place for grandpa to snorkel. There were some fish but not like we have seen in the past.  Logan got to play a little with grandpa in the water.IMG_5923
Family picture with the Na Pali coast in the background
Nukoli’i  Beach – This beach was fun, it had great waves and was pretty quiet. It also had little crabs that would run and hide as soon as you moved. The second time we went there was a couple getting married. We all got wet and had fun. Payton and Grandpa came three times to this beach, the first time just to watch the crabs and throw sticks. Kevin and I came the next time and the last time we went with Grandma and daddy stayed home.
Mommy the photographer – this is what I did most of the trip. I love to document everything.
She loved to  have us lift her up when the waves came. I think this was one of her favorite parts of the trip.
She had fun playing in the waves with grandpa!392