
Monday, August 22, 2011

The growing garden

I remember when I started the garden when I was pregnant with Payton and how it has grown right along with her. Here are some pictures of how they both have changed.

June 2008007

May 2009

May 2010

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

This year has been strange with our crummy weather so things have taken longer to grow. We finally picked our first Bikini(Zucchini) as Payton calls it . My plan this year is to make some purees to use in foods and then just to cook it in every way I can. We also have a little pumpkin growing ( you can see it in the last picture – the little yellow ball)  and hopefully some of the other plants will grow too. My how things have changed since Payton was a baby and now we have Logan in our family to join in the fun.

Wiggly fun !


The beginning of August I won some tickets from Citymommy ( which was recently bought by Red Tricycle) to the Wiggles Concert at the Paramount. Payton was so excited to go to her first concert to see the Wiggles.  Since the show was not sold out we were able to move down and sit a little closer which was great. Payton sat in awe of everything and couldn’t wait to see the Wiggles , she was super excited. Payton did great and enjoyed hearing the songs she knew and learning a few new ones. At one point in the concert the Wiggles go out into the audience and collect roses for Dorothy and bones for wags, Murray the Red Wiggle came up and took a bone and rose from the kids in front of us then he said hi to Payton she waved and stared, she had this look of “Murray is real and he said hi to me! Her eyes followed him as he went up the stairs, it was pretty cute. Now every time we watch the wiggles she says he said hi to me! Jeff the Purple wiggle wasn’t there since had recently had a pace maker put in and was home recovering so every time we watch The Wiggle she says there is Jeff he is not at the hospital anymore! It was a fun concert for all and just long enough for little kids. Logan had a good time, he was mesmerized by the lights.  Happy Birthday Wiggles - we had so much fun!

At the Wiggles 20th Birthday Concert!


There goes Murray , I can’t believe he said Hi
to me!


335Excited to see Dorothy the Dinosaur


Waving good bye to the Wiggles. She had a great time!