
Thursday, October 21, 2010

We love The Farm!

Saturday we went with my parents to take Payton to get pumpkins and to see the animals. We wandered the patch of multicolored pumpkins and found three that we liked.

Payton needed to go on the little play ground so we made a quick stop before we paid for our pumpkins. Grandpa Tucker gave the pumpkins a nice wheelbarrow ride to the car while we headed to the animals - Payton could not wait!! We saw a mommy pig and her week old piglets sleeping - so precious. Alpacas, a pony and a burro. Payton was most excited about the bunnies and the kittens! She first went to the bunnies and liked when they came over and sniffed her. Next we went to the area with the kittens - this year she got to hold one all by herself - she was SOOO excited!

She thought it was the best thing ever and still talks about it - in fact she wants to go back. Then we got to go in a fenced of area with bunnies hopping around - it was fun to be able to pet them and watch them run. The last few animals some little piggies and the goats - which she pet too. The last part of out trip to the farm included sitting on a tractor and a big pumpkin for our traditional family picture.

Just a walk to the park

Today Payton and I took a walk to the little park near our house. It is a small park but she loves it and it has her favorite thing -a slide!

She showed me how she can slide on her tummy and how she can climb on things. We had fun climbing and sliding together - just the two of us. Out in the cold foggy fall morning having fun. It is fun to look at things from her perspective and see the world in a different view one that I knew a long time ago when I was her age but don't remember. It is nice just having a lazy morning and being able to take a walk to the park.

One the way back we picked up a few of the beautiful red leaves that had fallen on the ground.I love how beautiful the leaves are this time of year.

Now we are snuggled up watching Winnie the Pooh her first movie and she is loving it. If we had some hot chocolate and popcorn it would be perfect.
Recently I found a new blog that I love and it has inspired me to look at things differently and try to do things maybe I would not normally do - bake something new, decorate in a new way or even try sewing something.The blog is called Enjoying the small things a mom who is around the same age at me and has two young girls one who is Paytons age. I think I can relate to what is happening in her life even though she has two kids one with Down syndrome a challenge that she has accepted as a challenge to live her life better and to make the world better for her daughters.
So today I will breathe and enjoy the quiet moments I have with Payton, let God speak to me, do some cleaning, school work and just remember to live one day at a time for each days has it own special moments to cherish and we will never get them back.