
Friday, February 26, 2010

I have been reading this book Crazy Love by Francis Chan and it is amazing. It has really made me think about what God wants me to be doing. He talks about people who give up everything for Christ and totally trust him for everything they need. So many of us worry about how we look, buy expensive clothes or things when we should be giving our money to help others. Most of us have more things then we will ever need or use. I know I have tons of clothes that I don't wear because they are to small or don't fit right ,yet they are still in my closet. We should be thinking of others and how we can help. Maybe our neighbors needs help with something - yard work, cleaning or groceries. Volunteering is another you can help. In the book Francis tells about his Church and how they give half of the income to charity , it is a true testimony for a church to do that. We should give not just what we can but give more, God will provide for us and bless us for doing this. So do something, start thinking about others who are less fortunate and in need. I am excited to see where God lead me and my family. I know he will provide for us, he always does. So ask yourself if you are doing all you can to live like God wants us to live, are we focused on him and not things of this world. Do we do more than just go to Church and participate in church activities? Read Crazy Love - it is a great reminder of what we are called to do - no excuses.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

January 25th - Our baby is now 2!

Where did the time go! How is Payton 2 - it seems like not that long ago she was just a little baby - now she is an independant little girl with her own idea and opinions. I had to work on her birthday and tried to make it as fun as possible. We went out for a walk and played. When we got home we had a special Red Robin dinner that daddy went to go get for us. It was delicious hamburger, fries and a chocolate milk shake. yum! yum! After dinner we had sang happy birthday and then opened a few more presents.

It was a great day for all and we are so proud of our amazing 2 year old. We Love you Payton!

Happy 2nd Birthday Payton!!!

We celebrated Paytons birthday on Saturday the 23rd with family and friends. Payton had a great time playing with her friend Griffen. She also loved opening all of her presents, she got a lot of great toy,clothes and books! Then we had cupcakes - chocolate with funfetti vanilla frosting ( she picked it out) - they were delicious. She loved the frosting and top of the cupcake best. After everyone left she had a good nap then had fun playing with her new toys. We also went out to Outback Steak house to celebrate Grandma Tuckers birthday, Uncle Chris ( my brother) and Payton birthday - yeah for January Birthdays ( we also have a few other birthdays on Kevin's side - Granpa Verver and her other uncle Chris). We are so thankful for all our great friends and family who love us and help us celebrate these special events.

Happy Birthday Payton!! You're now 2!

Yummy - Cupcake!