
Monday, August 31, 2009

September is almost here the summer has gone by so fast . I know that summer isn't over yet we will still have some nice weather but the weather will start to change, kids go back to school and once again things start up again.
When I was a kid this time of year meant back to the early mornings, school and some anxiety about being in a new class and having to leave the comforts of home. I looked forward to seeing friends and getting new school clothes and supplies but there was always that dread of going back to school - no more sleep overs during the week or going swimming all day.
Now that I am older it is a time for things to start up the normal schedule and this year something new - I will start my masters classes. I am excited about all the new things I will learn through these classes. I know there will be times that stress will replace the excitement and that is ok. It is also a time that things cool down and I can wear my comfy pajamas and snuggle up to watch TV with Kevin or read a good book. It means that we will be going to the Pumpkin farm soon and we will take Payton around to trick or treat for the first time.
As a teacher this time of year is exciting - getting ready for a new class, meeting them and seeing what kind of class they are - there are field trips and birthdays and holidays to celebrate. It is fun and exciting.
It is a time to be renewed by God and to remember that I can't do anything with out his help. I know school with tough at time and that the house work won't all get done but with God's help I can get done what I need to - I will get through it,I will come out on top .

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fun at the Beach

Recently we took Payton back to Alki Beach. We took her last year around the same time when she was about 7 months old she loved stepping in the sand but that was about it.
This year she played in the sand - pouring the sand on the towel instead of in the pail. She saw lots of airplanes - one of her favorite things to look for even when it is cloudy. We were lucky that the weather was nice so she could see them and the ferry boats too. I took her down to the water - at first we stood and watched the waves then we stepped into the cold Pacific. She thought it was great - I think she would have gone swimming if I let her. Then we took a walk - Payton decided she needed her sunglasses - it was very cute. She normally doesn't leave them on for long since it is more fun to take them off and put them back on ( usually they end up on her neck - there is a picture of this on her latest slideshow) Daddy pushed the stroller and we walked along the water front. We saw a seagull, some dogs and some people. Payton had a fun time and we will definitely have to go back soon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Seahawks training camp

Yesterday we went to watch the Seahawks training camp. It was fun and we had a great view of it all. Payton was more interested in the other people around us or the ceiling fans in the weight room behind us. I think one of the highlights of the whole thing is when Payton saw the hawk - I think she realized it was real and she went over to it - the man asked if she wanted to pet it so I held her up and she gently pet the hawk. She thought it was so cool. Later we got to go get autographs which was fun and I think she will appreciate them later when she is older. She did great with little sleep the night before - waking up at 5 and then not getting a nap until 12 plus she had a cold. She had fun running around and watching other kids playing. One of my favorite moments was when Lofa Tatupu was running out of the building a guy near us yelled LOFA! and Payton copied him and said LOFA! It was funny and everyone around us laughed and said that's right! It was a great day filled with many fun memories. We can't wait for the football season to start so we can cheer on the Seahawks. Soon Payton will get to go to her 2nd game - we hope they have a great season- Go Seahawks!