
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Today we spent the morning at work with daddy. I helped daddy with his work it was fun.

Then we needed a Starbucks break. After working so hard I got sleepy and took a nap. When we got home we gave daddy his presents then got ready to go to the Outback for dinner. I had fun dancing to the music in my high chair and eating lots of good food. Tonight we ate cake,mommy and I took a quick walk and I played a little with daddy. I love my daddy because he is so much fun and when I am tired or fall down he is always there to snuggle me and give me a big hug.

We hope all of the dads had a great Father's day! Daddy's and grandpas are very special people and we love ours very much.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sprinker Fun!

Today I was watering the grass since sprinkler system doesn't seem to be going on and the grass was getting dry in a few places. At first she was not sure what to think but soon she was playing and getting totally soaked.She would run and put her hand in the spray then she would walk away to splash in a puddle forming on the walkway. She even took off her hat and got her hair all wet. She thought it was so fun and of course didn't want to go inside but she was shivering. The simple fun of spring and summer! I guess when we get home I know what we will be doing!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Payton the early morning riser

This morning my alarm clock Payton decided to get up at 5am . At this early time no one else seems to be awake - I wonder why?! Even the cats would rather sleep than bug me for food. It is so hard to get up but Payton was crying and I think it is her molars on the left side coming in that woke her up. These are the days that I get a lot done because I am up and why not be productive. So we had breakfast and then headed for the grocery store all before 8. I put Payton down for a nap then go work out. I also e-mail a few people and put some laundry away. After her nap we eat a snack then go outside and plant the butternut squash plant we bought this morning. Next we water the garden and check for yucky slugs. Payton loves to go for walks so that is what we do next - Payton waves to the lady who passes by - the sun is out and it is beautiful. This is one of the perks of getting up early the time to take a leisurly walk ( we definitely have the time) and enjoy the beauty that God has created that we often pass by on our way to something more important. I am learning from Payton to enjoy the simple things - her sweet hugs and kisses (opened mouthed and sometimes a little tounge- hmm wonder where she learn that?!) , watching her learn something new or how exciting she gets everytime she sees a cat or dog or how the weekly grocery ads make the best toy (she was ripping it, rolling in it and throwing it around laughing the whole time). These are the things that I love about these early morning days it is a reminder to enjoy the time we have. I love the time I get to spend with Payton on these days - she is so much fun! We get to do a lot of things together that we wouldn't have if we had slept in. So remember to enjoy each day and if the dishes don't get done there is always tomorrow. Spend the time with your kids or family - that time together is precious.
"Life is precious , life is sweet
Like the earth beneath my feet
Though I know I'm passing through
I know I belong to you."
(Wes King -Life is Precious

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Meet the residents of Payton's Place

Kevin aka daddy is greeted every night with excitement upon arriving home. Then there is me, Cheryl aka Mommy or mom mom mom as Payton often says especially when she is hungry. Then we have our furry residents Paytons buddies Ava and Penny. Penny and Ava are our cats who put up with some abuse from Payton. Penny is alittle more tolerent than Ava. You can often find Ava hiding in our room or under a chair until Payton finds her then she finds another spot to hide. Last but certainly not least is Payton our little sweet pea. She is now 16 months loves to climb on everything, loves animals especially cats dogs and giraffes, is talking more and more every day - a few of her favorite word are : up, help, outside, Hi dad, oh mom, and alllll done.