
Saturday, July 29, 2017

More summer adventures

Summer seems to be flying by and I can't believe it is almost August. The past few weeks have been filled with some adventures , reading and lessons.
 Payton started swim lessons this week and she loves it like she did a few years ago. They made her start at level one but she is doing great and her teacher is challenging her so that is awesome. At School she got three free swimming lesson sessions so we will be doing swim lessons the rest of the summer, so I am glad she loves it. Logan was going to do it but he decided he didn't want to because he didn't know the teachers and he just wasn't sure about it. Maybe next year...
We also worked on the yard to try to make it look better since the weeds seem to take over and it looks bad. We weeded and then added some new flowers to the side yard and we will add some more soil and mulch to make it look better then the dry dirt that is there now.
Our adventures the past few weeks:
We went to the zoo to meet the new baby giraffe who was adorable. We also went to see some of our other favorites. It seemed like a lot of the animals were still sleeping so we didn't get to see as many as we would have liked.

Last weekend we went to Day out with Thomas and the kids had a lot of fun. I think this was the best year for Logan because he wanted to do everything and in years past he has shied away from some of the things.

Monday after swim lessons we went to Richmond Beach to learn about the creatures that live in the ocean. The kids had a blast and learned so much. I wanted to find tide pools or low tide times last year but just never was able to figure out when and where. This year I saw something on a parent site about exploring low tide and it lead me to the Seattle aquarium page where they had a schedule of when low tide was and what beaches to go to. They had volunteers who were there to tell you about the creatures and educate us about them. My kids want to do it again but we will have to wait until the end of August to do it.

 Sea stars

 Sea anemone
  Mr. crab hiding

I have been reading like crazy since I have had books coming in from the library. I finished the two I got a few weeks ago and I just picked up three more so lots more reading for me. I do love having so much time to read and swim lessons are a great place to get a little reading done.
Tomorrow we are going to our first Seahawks training camp and it will be fun and it will give us an idea of what it be like this year.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

what we have been up too

So Summer is finally here and we can start crossing things off our summer fun list.
So here are some things I am loving right now. Easy morning with no plans and getting into our summer rhythms. Reading new books, I have a big list of to read books on the library page and big list I have placed a hold on. I can't wait to read them all.
I am also catching up with my favorite blogs like Jones Design Co.  I love Emily's style and we like the same kind of books plus she does these great post called Coffee Chats and they are fun and it feels like she talking just to you. I think I also connect with her because she is a mom and we are the same age and both Christians.  
Here is what I am working on :Getting things organized and cleaned up which is hard in a small house especially with the kids home. I am trying to find some new ways to organize some things to give us more space.
I am also working on eating better, finding new recipes to try that my whole family will eat and eating our fresh veggies we are growing. Of course working out is part of a healthy life style so I will continue to follow the blogilates calendar and maybe try Barre3 sometime.
We are listening to a lot of different music and we have more hip hop right now so the kids can practice their moves.

I am really excited about Nichole Nordeman's new music coming out the end of this month.Next month I am really excited about Jen Hatmaker's new book Of Mess and Moxie and Nichole Nordeman's book Slow Down ( it comes out the day before my birthday!)

What the kids are doing: We are making lots of outings to parks and trying out new places and old favorites. They are taking a hip hop class right now and having a blast.
They are also working keeping up with math, reading and writing and we are also working on Geography so the kids know where things are and make connections to some of those places.
This past weekend we went to the Seahawks Family Football Fest and the kids had a blast playing games, getting autographs and touring the locker room and the Toyota Fan Deck. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Summer reading

 You know summer is coming when the Modern Mrs Darcy post her summer reading guide. It is one of my favorite things because I love reading and she always has great recommendations. A lot of the books on my list are books she has recommended on her guide or her podcast What should I read next. I also loved to get recommendations from other bloggers I follow. Emily from Jones Design Co has similar taste in books so I have read a lot of the books she has recommended. I started reading Susan Meissner , Liane Moriarty and Kate Morton and loved them so much I went back and read all of the their other books. I love finding great authors and I try read at least one book that I might not normally read. So I have added a bunch of new books to my Goodreads want to read list and  I can't wait to started reading some of these books. Here are a few that I have read this year.

                                                          Commonwealth is the book underneath

So many great books, What are you reading? I always love recommendations.