
Saturday, September 21, 2013

We Love Giraffes!!

Today we went to the zoo to see the baby giraffe and Payton was so excited! We saw the baby giraffe and Payton could have stay there all day just watching it run and eat.

After the baby giraffe went inside and we pried Payton away we went to visit the lions and elephants and meerkats. We also saw the bears and river otters they were very entertaining.082-3083-3112-3113-4127-3121-3143-2157-3
Logan loved the river otters and thought they were fun swimming. He loved hugging the statues of the otters , they were about the same size as Logan. It was so much fun to watch them zipping in and out of the water in some of my pictures they are blurry streaks.
Little fox sleeping below
As we left we had to stop and see the penguins, so fun to watch them but not a fun smell. Another fun visit to the zoo , it was so much fun to see the baby giraffe and to explore more of the zoo with the kids.