
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Please help these schools

So some people may have see other posting about Give with Target on twitter or Facebook. I have been sharing a few schools that we support and who really need your vote, until we get 25 votes these schools get nothing. I know as a teacher how much money you spend on supplies to do fun projects,buy books for the classroom etc. I would love for these great schools to get a little something to help them out this year. If we only get 25 for each school then that is fine. I appreciate this campaign but it would be nice for smaller school to have to get less votes to get money since it seems like the bigger school are the ones who get all the money. Last year I voted and they reached the max on the money they were giving before we even got to the 25.So If you have a minute to vote for one of these school they would appreciate it and 
And if you could share them too
Thank you!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Footprints in the sand

We have found another great little beach to visit and we spent some time there this week. It is a quiet place except when the trains go bye but we don’t mind that noise. It is exciting to see the trains go by they are so close you can feel the vibrations
051-4058-4 Payton wanted to cross the little stream to see what was on the other side, we decided maybe the next time we will explore that side.069-2092-3100-4141-2131-2115-6123-3113-3121-2165-3164-3

Logan enjoyed playing in the sand and finding rocks to show me. He also built a sand castle with rocks on it, he worked hard on it. His favorite part was when we found some water he could throw rocks.
Payton found these watery things that she wanted to show me it ended up that she found jelly fish some big , some small. It was amazing how many there were and once I realized it we saw them everywhere. It was really interesting to look at them out of the water.
  Logan was excited about the clam shell he found,  he also found a little crab but it was dead.
WP_20130812_024 Payton’s sweet little foot prints in the sand.WP_20130812_022
We  had fun walking on this cool tree – well actually it was three trees that had grown together. We will definitely be back to explore more of this fun beach.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Day out with Thomas 2013

We were excited to ride Thomas again this year. Logan was a little bigger and was definitely excited . He was listening for Thomas on the train with grandpa. He loved seeing Thomas and hearing his whistle when he would leave or come back.
Payton loved the bounce house and getting all her stamps on her paper, oh and her Rosie Tattoo. She talked about getting that for days before we went and wanted to do it first after the bouncy house. 058-3074-2077-3083-2084-3
We had a lot of fun and before we could leave she had to go back to the bouncy house one last time.
I love the architectural details on the old buildings and the old trucks they have at the train depot.
Logan enjoying a snack while we wait for Payton to finish playing in the bouncy house.
It is always a fun time going to visit Thomas and it is fun to see how excited the kids are to see him.