
Sunday, May 29, 2011

I love you to the moon and back

Mother’s day this year was a little different since we were all getting over a nasty virus so we kept it simple. The morning was Starbucks and Top Pot Doughnuts for me and Payton. I also got some beautiful roses from Kevin.Then we has Claim Jumpers for Lunch, it was yummy. Then I opened my present a necklace with a pendant that had Logan and Payton on it then a moon shaped pendant that said I love you to the moon and back-which is the first part  of what I say to Payton ( and now Logan) every night.
It was a great day and I love being a mom!

Yummy doughnuts and pretty flowers!
Me and my kiddos

playing Disney princess memory096
I made a match!

Easter Fun!

This Easter was a little different since we had a new baby and I was finishing up my master’s. My parents came to help and see how we celebrate Easter at our house. We dyed Easter eggs earlier in the week with Daddy which was fun. Most of the eggs ended up looking the same but Payton didn’t care.
Saturday before Easter we always go to the Bunny Bounce which is fun since Payton got to go with the bigger kids, now that she is 3.It was a  beautiful day which meant more people came and we had to wait a little bit.She had to wait and until the let them kids in and it was crazy! Kids running around picking up eggs, I think Payton enjoyed it and she had a full basket at the end. Then we went to look at the animals , We had to go see the Meerkats and the Giraffes her favorite. After we were done we went to Red Mill Burgers where we enjoyed good burgers and fried and Milkshakes – yum!
Easter Sunday Payton had fun opening her basket and Logan's too. We ate yummy Top Pot Doughnuts and then went to church. After Church we had Lunch at Grandpa and Grandma Ververs and Payton got to find some eggs Grandma hid for her. It was a great Easter where we got to spend a lot of time with family and remember what Easter is all about Jesus rising from the dead.
Family Picture – Can you say  Happy Easter...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A love like no other

Payton is enjoying her new role as big sister. She loves to help Logan and play with him. She also wants to hold him and give him lots of hugs and kisses. It is definitely a love like no other. I love watching the interactions they have and how Logan love to watch his big sis and she loves to be with him ( most of the time – she told when I asked if she loved him – sometimes I do sometimes I don’t)

spending time with Logan in the hospital
Logan finally home _ Big sis is right there to welcome him

Snuggling with Logan

Sweet sister kisses ( picture by Sarah Sweetman photography- DO NOT COPY)
Watching over him while he sleeps
Teaching him about baking cookies and licking the spatula when you are done.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The potty train

Payton talk about her potty train what she means is her potty training which she has done amazingly well. We stop with diapers except at nap and bedtime . Then we keep her in panties at nap and right around the time her little brother came she was potty trained – she has the sticker chart to prove her success.


Way to go Payton we are so proud of you!!!

Logan Joel Verver

It was a normal day yet felt this little voice telling me this was it and I needed to get my bags packed before work. I had been having contractions but nothing major, I honestly thought that they were just braxton hick - I had 15 days until my due date after all. I went to work and was feeling ok - they around 1 they started coming hard and fast - I knew that this little boy wanted to come out today. I called Kevin a few times and finally decided around 3 or 4 that I need to get home. So as soon a the dad came back - I drove us home - gripping the steering wheel and breathing through contractions - praying that traffic would be ok. I had Kevin call his mom - I got home and laid down just waiting to get to the hospital and get some relief from the pain. As soon as she got here we left and drove to the hospital - the drive isn't long but it felt a lot longer since I was in labor. Kevin dropped me off and I went in up to the 7th floor to get checked in. After I was settled they gave me something for the pain while I waited for the anesthesiologist. I got my epidural and not long after things got scary - Logan's heart rate had dropped and they needed to take me to have an Emergency c-section since it had been 5 minutes. So I was whisked off to the Operating room and Kevin had to stay in our room. They gave me oxygen and prepared me for the surgery when they checked his heartbeat and it come back up so were going to try to do get him out with out c-section - I had to push and the Dr would use the vacuum to help get him out. Within a few minutes little Logan Joel Verver was born only a few hours after I had checked in at 8:00 pm. They kept telling me I was so calm- I was just focused on getting Logan out safely - he was my main concern. Hearing him cry for the first time was the best sound after all the drama. He was 6 Lbs 6 Oz and 19 1/2 inches long and we are so happy he is part of our family. I can't wait to see what his personality will be like and if he will be small like Payton or more normal.

The baby bump

This week I will be 31 week with baby boy V. The belly is getting bigger and sometimes feel like there is no possible way it could get any bigger. Yesterday we did maternity photos with our friend Tish. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how it they turn out. For now I will post some of the pictures I have of the baby bump.

19 weeks

22 weeks
25 weeks

27 weeks

30 weeks