
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Baking up some fun!


Payton and I made Sugar cookies about a week and a half ago. I brought the coffee table that she uses for puzzles and coloring over so she could help me cut out the cookies. She helped me roll out the dough and press the cookie cutters in the dough- she even did a few herself. Most of the time she tried to scrape the cookie cutters instead of press and she ended up just sticking blobs of dough on the cookie sheets. The second half I let her put sprinkles on them. She had fun shaking the sprinkles and smooshing them one to one cookie. She did a great job and it was fun to carry on the tradition of baking cookies like I did with my mom.

Yesterday we baked Chocolate pixies one of my favorites. We cleaned off her table again and brought it in the kitchen. I put the cookie dough, cookie sheet and powdered sugar and we were set. I rolled the dough into balls and Payton rolled or shook the dough in the powdered sugar and Grandma Tucker put the cookies in the oven. It was fun baking with Payton and my mom - Payton does a great job helping and even putting the dough on the cookie sheets. She loves to look in the oven to see if the are ready. She had a great time making cookies and even eating a little cookie dough!

Christmas Fun

This Christmas was a lot of fun - Payton had fun opening her presents but everyone elses as well. She is now a pro at opening presents. Our fun began on Christmas Eve morning going to get Top Pot doughnuts. Payton loved looking in the case at all the donuts! Later we got ready for the Christmas Eve Service. It was fun and Payton danced to the music with another girl. Afterward we went up to see the model trains - Payton and grandpa were in heaven. After we got home we changed into some more comfortable, warmer clothes and went to Snowflake Lane. Payton loved the snowman, the drumming - everything! She had a lot of fun - I love seeing Christmas through her eyes -so new and exciting!

Christmas morning we open presents together before Grandma and Grandpa Tucker came over to open more presents. She had fun playing with some of her new toys. Then in the afternoon we all headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Ververs for some yummy ham dinner and more presents. Before we left we went to Candy cane lane and took our annual picture _ Payton loved the lights.

The day after we went to down town Seattle to ride the Wonderland carousel - it was a big hit. Payton squealed with joy and had huge smile the whole ride. She didn’t want to leave her purple horse. Then we walked down to the Fairmont Hotel to see the Teddy Bear suite- it was fun and Payton loved climbing on the big teddy bears. The hotel was beautiful all decorated with lights and Christmas trees. We had a great Christmas and nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa Tucker. We hope everyone had a great Christmas too!