
Friday, September 4, 2009

Payton's garden

We planted a garden last year and it didn't do very well between the slugs and other bugs the plants didn't make it. This year I was ready for the slugs even though the did kill a few plants - we are looking much better this year. We had a nice crop of peas and now we have a few butternut squash and a few pumpkins growing. One pumpkin is the pride and joy of Payton's heart we check on it daily and sneak peeks under the leaf excited each time like it is the first and says,See it?! See it?! She had to show daddy when he got home the first day. She like to show the cats from the windows too. She has also found a new passion of digging in the dirt with mommies trowel.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pajama days

Payton has not been feeling well this week and had wanted to stay in her pajamas. Monday it was a struggle to get them off - every time I tried she would pull them back on and cry. I finally got them off and she wasn't happy. I have let her stay in her pajamas as long as she wants since then, since I know it will pass and if it makes it feel better then it makes things easier for me - and there will be less laundry to do. She likes to snuggle up on the couch in her pajamas with her blanket and a toy usually a stuff animal. She spent Sunday in her pajamas and I made her chocolate donuts. It is good to have a pajama day every once in a while and snuggle up on the couch to watch a good movie or read a good book.

We can make a difference.

I have been reading this blog by Katie Davis a young woman who is working Africa - her story is amazing and has touched me. I want to do something and at first I wondered how.I e-mailed friends and posted her blog everywhere just to spread the word and figured that if people felt moved to do something big or small it would help. They could just pray or send there friends the blog. When I went to the blog today to check if there was anything new I noticed a list of things they need - Like God was saying this is how you can help ! So I have decided to collect these things on the list and send a box of what ever I can - it may be a small box or maybe a big box whatever I know I did what I could.So if you would like to donate something I will be collecting things for a while - not sure how long - I guess we will see how it goes.